
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Saved a kidney...hehehe

Song of the day: “I like it” by Enrique Iglesias. I blame it on the CD in the Opel, which has only a few nice songs on it, so I end up going there every time I drive it. Since I drove it twice today, a total of one hour and a half, I heard it a lot. Hah.

A strange couple of days, partly due to summer time starting, I’m guessing. First off, I totally overslept yesterday morning. Apparently I forgot to set my alarm, and when I woke up at eight thirty, I thought, oh wow, thirty more minutes before the alarm goes, and turned over to wake up again at 10:30, swearing a blue streak. Boy, those were some long 30 minutes, eh? Hah. I severely dislike oversleeping, and would do well to look at it like big brother. When I said I overslept, he said: “Really? I slept in instead.”
*snort* Smartypants!

So I am trying to remember what I did yesterday. It is hard.
There was the unloading of the car, of course, seeing as we almost have had a pick-up per night almost this past week. Things are probably going to slow down a little now, though. I have been occupied with the construction of what, at some point in the future, will be my outside kitchen. I have a location (on the basin terrace) and the stuff I need for it is gradually coming together. I can see it in my head, and it’s beautiful, I tell ya. I can hardly wait.

But the unloading was followed by a trip into the yard where stuff had to be watered, and where a big harvest could be gathered. Got double. Our own meal, along with a nice batch for the vet and her assistant, which is our repayment for being allowed to use the clinic as a postal address for our biological seeds. Our own address is too out of the way for deliveries, so an address in the village is vital. I brought them a batch of kale, fresh herbs, bushes of chickweed, alfa alfa, and handful of tomatoes and a pumpkin each.
Since I had two of the experimental pies anyway, I took them both a piece as well.

After the yard stuff, and supper we headed over to the vet to pay our bills…we couldn’t though, seeing as the computer was down, so we handed over the veggies and pie, and headed the other way for another pick up and to go past the fabric store for mom.

There were edits of course, and a fierce argument about a certain page that wasn’t to big brother’s liking. On the one hand it is great to have help with the writing, and in particular the editing, but there are days when I miss the good old days when I did it all my own way. Hah. Don’t get me wrong, two pairs of eyes, and two opinions work better when it comes to writing stories suited for commercial fiction, but just writing with the flow, so to speak, did hold a certain charm for me.

Which brings us to today…and me functioning on less than six hours of sleep. *sigh…yawn* It’s not pretty, I assure you.
We had to get up early this morning for the Opel appointment at the garage. It was at nine thirty, so that meant that I had to get up at eight and rush through the morning rituals, which I absolutely hate, thank you very much.

But anyway, since big brother was dawdling again. Sure, it has no use to get harried, but there is a difference between careful planning and quickly going through the motions, and just taking so much bloody time that you’re late. Aaaargh. Seriously, he takes more time than Marilyn Monroe to get ready to go out. Fifteen minutes after we were supposed to leave, I gave up on him, and left with the Opel so he could follow later with the Land Rover.

Breaking a few speed limits (only once or twice, mind you) I arrived at the garage seven minutes late. Chatted a little with the receptionist…at least that’s what I think you call her, and then left the car there for possible fixing.

Picked up a few groceries on our way out of town, and then arrived at home only an hour later than we usually start on breakfast. Which we followed up by heading down into the yard where weeds got yanked, plants watered, planted, and the last two fruit trees were placed at last. The apple tree underneath the new terraces, and cousin Ed placed the last orange tree on the top terrace. A big relief there. I was afraid for a bit there, that we wouldn’t be able to get around to that. Oh, the onions are coming up, by the way, and the second beet field is looking downright awesome. Yay.

The dogs had a bread session rather than kibble (donation involved fifteen loafs of bread) and they loved it! In particular the older dogs who remember the days when homemade food and bread were the norm. Seriously, you should have seen Tallis, Rammi, Nata and Tridatuh. They’re of the old garde and they loved it most.

The trees planted, another meal harvest gathered, it was time to go up and cook supper. Made cauliflower mixed with broccoli, fried rice and a fresh salad based on chickweed. Yummy. Then of course we were running a bit late to drop Sally off at her job, and then go to town to pick up the Opel.
Apparently it didn’t need new brakes yet. And the tiny hole in the exhaust can be fixed in a few months when we need to prepare for the MOT. Vastly reassuring that, since the funds are particularly low at the moment. So no kidney selling this month. Yay.

Got home to pie…yep, finished the last pieces standing at the counter informing grandpa and cousin Ed of what the mechanic explained. At which time we went down to fire up the stove and get ready for the day’s edit…not that I think it’s going to work well, seeing as I took hours to write the blog. My focus is clearly taking a vacation. Grrr.

Well, almost midnight. I’m going to leave it at this.

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