
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Very Law & Order-ish

Song of the day: “Can you feel it” by the Jacksons, of course. Awesome song, still, so nothing wrong with that.

Well, first thing off, I got the weirdest message today. Apparently a fella I’d occasionally chatted with on the Amazon discussions, and Good Reads was arrested for murdering his wife. How strange is that, I ask ya. I mean, really. It all has a bit of surreal feeling to it. I just read up on the media reports about it, and though there is a lot of pooha going around already, I’m going to wait and see whether he’s guilty or not. These days you just can’t ever be sure. I mean look at the Zimmerman thing, not to mention OJ. You never know what’s truth or fiction, so I’m just going to let it slide, and try to rid myself of this Law & Order tune that has been going through my head ever since I heard about it.

So okay, let’s get to the normal daily business. Strange weather, both today and yesterday. Yesterday it was friggin’ hot until about six in the afternoon when suddenly the wind changed (from the south) and had the temperature drop drastically. Where in the early noon I was thinking about getting rid of my trousers, I later had to don a sweater just to be comfortable.

While big brother spent most of the afternoon in the yard, cousin Ed and I worked over my cabin trimming the semi-dead mimosas, dragging the dead wood away. Since there was still some life visible in the plants we decided not to cut them completely down, but dug big holes at their base so we can give them some extra water this summer, and hope that it was water shortage that is wrecking them.
Luckily, in this spot of the yard, working during a warm day wasn’t all that bad, since it is in the shade. The only not so nice part is that there is absolutely no spot where you can put your feet straight. But anyway, managed the feat without breaking out ankles, and so far my new sandals are working well. Bought them the other day, hiking sandals designed so that you can go downhill too, without slipping forward (works like a charm).

While working there, we immediately took out two plants that were in the way of the future water tank. And even planted a new small mimosa that should do a good job of filling any necessary gaps in the near future.

Had a rather wonderful workout yesterday morning too. Did a solid hour and a half of punching and kicking, and worked up a solid sweat what with the early morning heat already full in swing.

Tenant went for her second appointment with the dentist yesterday. If all goes well, she’ll have her new teeth by Friday, so yay!

Little brother enrolled at a driving school yesterday. He had planned to go in the village, but ended up going to the same one as big brother and I went to three or four years ago. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the teacher didn’t remember us at all. I always have this unreasonable fear that I’m so weird that people will remember me ‘till their dying day (not in a good way) so it was definitely good news for me. Hah.

Cooked a rather nice dinner. Ratatouille with macaroni on the side. While today we opted to go with veggie burgers on sandwiches with lettuce, cheese and tomatoes. Both meals went down nicely.

Spent both mornings, after feeding the dogs, working on Akata. The husky has been suffering from an infected ear of late, so we’ve been cleaning it properly and giving him medication to ease his level of comfort a bit.

We had a new rock hauling trip yesterday evening. The rocks looked a tad different yesterday. Older, I think, layered too, which is going to make its future wall look interesting to say the very least. Took Knight II along, so he actually ran a bit, which is a good thing, to say the least. Am seriously pondering taking Chaos along as well, because the Basset is getting way too fat.

Two edits past since the last blog, of course. Yesterday we did eight pages, and today, six, I think.
We’re halfway through the edit now, so, Yay! We’ll get there yet.

Middle sister has a bad cold at the moment. Seems like it went through all the sibs this past month or so, and I, for some strange reason, have developed a strange huskiness in my voice. Seriously, I can really do Kim Carnes’ “Bette Davis Eyes” well at the moment. Hah. I better not be getting a cold, because I really don’t have time for that sort of stuff. *sigh*

This morning I was occupied making chocolate cake for middle sister’s birthday. I asked her the other day what kind of pie she would like and her face lit up, showing this crooked little smile and said, “chocolate” in this wishful way. So yeah, that meant that I spent two hours this morning, making cake with the help of tenant (caregiver was at her other job again) that had so much chocolate in it, you could lean against the scent. Made two different ones. One cherry chocolate, and one coffee chocolate coffee. I have had a piece of both, and I can’t decide which I like best. Regretfully everyone else who’s tasted it, has the same problem.
But anyway, middle sister’s b-day. Gawd, time goes so fast. I remember well that she was just a teeny little girl of two or three. *nostalgic sigh* All grown up now, and working on a career of a seamstress…or perhaps animal trainer. Hah.

I only had a short trip down into the yard today (needed that after two hours in the kitchen, really. That and helping tenant to my terrace where she enjoyed the sunshine, and a cool breeze most of the day) and harvested broccoli and sugar peas for us, along with a big batch of three different kinds of cabbages for today’s dog food. Was properly relaxed afterward, and even though I had wanted to plant a couple of trees on the edge of the property, there really wasn’t time.
Instead I had to weave some fence because tomorrow our last day at the fence-building-site. The owner asked if I could trim the rest of her trees as well, so since I’ll be going out there for that anyway, big brother is going to come along to do some final checks on the fence and help out. Hope we manage the thing in one day, that’s for sure.

The car is loaded, however, and since this will definitely do for today’s blog, I’m going to get ready for bed now. I’m definitely running on fumes.

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