
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Way late

Song of the day: “Someone like you” by Adele. I know. I’m no fan of her at all, but the song (I don’t really like it) has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days. I’m not kidding, I’ve been trying all sorts of things to get it out of my head, but I can’t manage it. Darn it.

I’m incredibly late today, it’s like a quarter to twelve and…well, let’s get to it, shall we.

Yesterday…well, I’ll skip yesterday. It was grocery shopping day, and I’ve described it a few dozen times already. Not as if there’s a lot of difference between any of the trips. Seriously, there was the rush into the yard, harvesting what had to be harvesting, watering the youngsters, so to speak, and then out to the car to head on out. There were fifteen stores or so, seven to eight hours, (with a trip to the garage to see about a trailer hook on the back of the Opel in the near future) and then the day came to an end after cooking supper, trying two pages of edits, and then basically passing out in bed.

Which brings us to today. Woke nice and early, and headed on down for the usual chores such as…well, you know, laundry and such. *sigh* Yeah, yeah, very exciting. What can I say, life as usual. Luckily I don’t mind all that much. In fact, it was rather nice and peaceful this morning.

After breakfast, feeding the dogs, unloading the car and generally getting ready for the “big thing” of the day. Gardening! Yay. Seriously, as soon as we managed the other stuff, it was heading down the mountain and going into the vegetable yard.
First off, there was the greenhouse to check, water and to pluck ripe tomatoes. Nice and hot in there, thank you very much.

Next it was out into the yard to water the whole lot. What with the past couple of days so busy, we only got to do the absolute necessary, and it definitely was stretching the limits of the plants their endurance…of course the heat didn’t help them much, but it looks like most of them survived the ordeal. Hah.

I enjoyed it, in particular the planting of the young seedlings, and the harvesting and then heading on up the mountain again to start on supper. Made mushrooms in a cheese sauce over spaghetti, which was absolutely delicious.

Supper over and done with it was making a wooden standard for cousin Ed (she’s also doing a market tomorrow) on which she can hang secondhand clothes. What with the table big brother made the other day, she is going to have enough stuff to display her goods on…I hope. Once the standard was done (took me about two hours) we helped load the car, which was a hilarious event, to be sure. It was loading, redoing it when stuff didn’t fit (the Opel is tiny, you know) and then redoing it again, because it still didn’t fit. I had this image of a car commercial I saw once where they were stuffing a car full, and then with the last bit, the car literally exploded. Ours didn’t but in my head I saw it. Hah.

We managed in the end, and well, afterwards it was time to get to the edit (did a solid six pages before I had to start on my blog) and by now, well, I had put on Disney’s Tangled (not too bad) while I wrote this, I’m just about ready to get horizontal. The dogs, for one, are impatiently waiting for me to do so. Hah.
I’m outta here.

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