
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Song of the day: “A little time” by the Beautiful South. Yay. Such a funny song, and definitely not bad to have in your head like an earworm. Hah.

Let’s get down to business first. Remember the interview I mentioned the other day? The one I got invited to do at Laurie’s thoughts and reviews? Well, it went live yesterday and here’s the link. (Be nice and click “cool” or “helpful” over there, okay?)

Isn’t it awesome? My first requested interview, and she made it all look very professional and well taken care of. Not to mention that she made it a very pleasant experience, so for any of you indie published authors out there, she’s definitely someone to approach if you’re looking for some publicity. She is, apparently, actively looking for authors to feature, in a variety of genres, so here’s your chance, check her out.

Okay, enough promo stuff. There’s a couple of days to describe and I better get to it before the end of the day arrives (looking forward to that with a fierce passion, in case you’re wondering) rather than keep dawdling.

Totally overslept, man. Seriously, I forgot to set my alarm and didn’t wake up ‘til nine thirty and had to rush through the morning rituals to get everything back to an even keel. *sigh*

There was laundry, there was dog food and all those other little things that need to be done from time to time. It mattered none to me, mind you, I was already looking forward to writing, so my head was up in the stratosphere thinking of how I was going to continue the scene I started the day before.

Spent quite bit of time with tenant yesterday. First we walked down (caregiver had to be elsewhere) to the basin terrace where I got her settled for the day. Since big brother was fretting over the world economy and surfed the news channels, we skipped Spanish over breakfast, after which I got to work on the book. Added another few pages, having a few more ah-hah moments during the epilogue which turned out to be somewhat different than I’d planned. Still, I think it’s working out. Also, the death scene (no, not in the end. It’s…oh well, don’t ask. I’d spoil it.) worked out, and the first meeting is starting to be somewhat funny. I like…and so far the playlist I put together on my iTunes fits well with the scenes. Not surprisingly, the songs are all somewhat sad.

Since I don’t like all the sitting down for hours on end, I put a bucket on the table and did most of the writing standing up. Hah. Worked out well enough, and my butt didn’t feel like a chunk of wood afterward. Of course my foot (effing plantars) was seriously complaining at the end, but what the hey, gotta chose one discomfort over the other sometime, right?

The dogs kinda liked my choice to stand through most of the writing, it freed up some serious space under the table, meaning that two more of ‘m were trying to use my bare feet as pillows during the course of the day. Seriously, there are days when I truly regret their severe dependency issues. Especially when it’s a tad hot (not now, by the way, last night clouds tumbled in and they’ve been persisting somewhat) and I’m trying to stay remotely cool. Ah well, thus are the issues of our wonderful pack. You get used to them at a certain point.

Once the writing for the day was done, tenant and I joined forces and cut veggies for supper. Went well enough as I told her about the new book, and she told me about the book she was reading. Also spent some time with her reading through a mail from her family, and then writing back a short one. She seemed cheerful yesterday, if a tad distracted. She’s been thinking a lot about the past again (I’m afraid it does her no good since it pulls her away from life at the present, and makes her more than a little vague. But those are her choices to make. *sigh* Sometimes I dislike caring about others, I really do, in particular when you see certain choices are not in their best interest) in particular since she is looking forward to writing to old friends and relatives. It was one of the reasons for the mail, seeing as I was unable to google the addresses she needed.
Once supper was finished and devoured, and cousin Ed got called to give Sally a ride to work, I walked tenant back up to her bungalow. A long trip that passed with chatter and song, the way we usually do. It makes the time pass faster, and she seems to enjoy it.

Once caregiver took over two thirds of the way, I rushed back to the yard to help big brother finishing the watering chore so we’d have enough time to go the city to pick up a computer adaptor for mom (hers died again) and a spare pair of shoes for big brother. While we were on our way home the Land Rover suddenly started to make a weird sound, rather than risk driving further with it, we parked near our garage, phoned cousin Ed and waited for her to come pick us up.

Which brings us to today, where big brother and I rushed through the morning chores so we would be able to take the Opel and drive back to town, straight to the garage, where we explained the problem. Regretfully they were incredibly busy today, so we had to leave the keys there, and drive back home hoping they’d have time tomorrow. It was reassuring to see that they picked the car up within half an hour (we were at the store across the street from it) so I’m pretty confident that they’ll try to fit it in somewhere. *sigh* Dontcha just hate car trouble?

Once home, I headed down to the basin terrace where both big brother and I spent the majority of the afternoon behind the computer. I wrote a few more pages, bringing the story up to eighteen pages and half (approx. 5000 words) which is not bad for day six. Hah.

That done, it was time to head down into the yard where a few more plants got watered (have been stretching our basin water for several days now, due to the clouds, what’s usually for one day, is now going for three. Gotta be frugal!) and stuff had to be harvested. Since grandpa was unable to get anything at the fruit and vegetable distribution center, we took most of it from the yard. A good thing, since a lot of the cabbages are nearing their end. Also cut some Alfa Alfa, which is high on omega three and incredibly good for the dogs.

But first there was our own food to make. Had beets with cheese and rice, which worked really well…overate in fact. *snort* That dealt with, the area cleared somewhat of what we’d used, and my bag stuffed with everything that needed to go back up to my cabin, we went up.
Took a dip in the pool, nothing like a refreshing dunking in the pool (Chaos loved it) and afterward playing a little with the puppy. He’s doing better, by the way. The only thing that remains is the snotty/running nose, which is blamed on an infection.

While I got to work on the dog food, cutting veggies and such, big brother fixed a blower in the car port, and then got out our table so we could start on this final stretch of computer work. Yep. The day has come to an end, and I’m glad for it. I definitely need a good night’s rest.

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