
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Writing, writing and some other stuff

Song of the day: “If I die young” by the Band Perry. It was about time that this one returned. I do enjoy it much. Hah.

I’m running way behind again, darn it, partly because most of my afternoons are now filled with writing, and, well, there’s other stuff that needs to be done as well, making me late for little things like writing the blog. So sorry. Let’s see if I can write this fast without skimming the details and still giving you a taste of my tiny little world.

Yesterday…well, it started just as usual, with me running late and going through the laundry and heading on up to start on feeding the dogs. Then, due to a rather heated discussion about politics (I know, I should just talk about what we talked about, but I have found that readers and politics don’t go together all that well. Maybe politics is just something too private. Could that be it, I wonder? I mean seriously, good friendships get wrecked over different view points on politics for crying out loud.) *sigh* So no, I’m not going blab about my views…at least not too much. I do have to say that I don’t get the whole Greece problem. Folks are complaining over there while they’ve been bailed out several times already, and are saying that they refuse to bow to austerity. It makes me wonder about where they think money comes from. I am a firm believer in the concept that one cannot spend what is not there, and though it would be nice if someone can wave a magic little wand and solve it all, the only way things will turn around if folks start thinking logically. Something has got to go. If the spending is higher than the income something is seriously wrong and yer doin’ somethin’ wrong. If ya get my meaning. Personally I would do something incredibly drastic if “my country” was in such debt. I’d probably do a press conference, show the proverbial empty coffer and say: “Folks, we’re broke. Either we continue borrowing until no one will borrow us anything anymore and we’ll leave our offspring as proverbial slaves to our debtors, or we stop all government expenditures for a solid six months. That means, no streetlights at night, no more road repairs unless people start falling into bottomless pits, no more new parks, no social security unless you’re dropping dead, and no more aid than a soup kitchen in the poor areas. No new art supplies, fancy government buildings, uniforms and gawd knows what else. Except for the bare essentials, from six months up to a year, nothing, nada, zilch.”
I know, very unrealistic, but seriously, what are the other options. I know that if my funds were in such a bad way (and believe me they were some odd five years ago) I would start some drastic cutbacks. I don’t think folks realize how little you really need to be happy anyway if stuff gets bad. I think that some of ‘m would even be pleasantly surprised about themselves afterward. I know I was.

But anyway, enough about that sort of thing. I guess it all started playing in my head while I was doing research about riots in the eighties (for my book) and read about the big riots in Argentina. It was basically the same and things got really ugly before it got better. I do know, if Spain is going in that direction, I won’t be leaving the property for a solid month as I wait the mess out. Jeez. Nothing is quite as dangerous as an angry mob. Makes ya remember that we’re not that evolved after all.

Right. There I go again. Most of yesterday afternoon (and today for that matter) was spent sitting comfortably in the shade as I wrote, wrote, and wrote some more on the new book. Got the thing up to 14 pages now and I gotta admit that I’m starting to get “into” it, if you get my meaning. Hah. Seriously, I’m smiling again during the day, and that wasn’t the case while we were hacking our way through the details of the thriller. Guess I really am too much of a romance girl to invest myself into something that would be little more than a challenge in regards to writing it. This (paranormal romance) I can get excited about. I can reach down into the bottom of my soul and do horrible things to my character that will make a reader want to weep with sorrow and wonder, “Oh. My. Gawd. How will this ever be okay again?” (I’m totally going for tear jerker this time. Hah) Don’t worry. It will be. It is romance after all. Yay!

So what else beside writing and doing Spanish. Well, there was the yard, of course. Harvesting, watering, weeding. Doing that late in the afternoons now, by the way. What with four to five hours of writing during the day, those few precious hours in the yard are during the most pleasant moments of the day, when the sun is low, the light golden and the temperatures going down. I love it.

That done, there was of course dog food to cut, and cook (today cousin Ed did the honors because big brother and I had to go out for a small donation of market items) and basically doing all those little things that we’re not getting done in time due to the writing. *sigh* Always sacrifices to be made, right?

There was cooking to be done, naturally. Yesterday part leftovers with fresh white cabbage, baked on the side, and today zucchini veggie mix on the side of baked potatoes. It was wonderful, I assure you.

I am not happy with Labhana at the moment, by the way. She is losing her hair, and her melancholy appears to be worse than usual. If she doesn’t do a turnabout, I’m going to have to take her to the vet. I am starting to recognize the symptoms of the Sandfly, and that would be a genuine biatch. Gawd, I hope that she will somehow figure out to not let her immune system try to handle it. Ah well, we’ll have to wait and see, if it gets worse, I’ll got to the vet for the test, but in the mean time I think I’m going to try the same potion as I used for Gada.

Yesterday evening we did manage a nice jog, Yay! Went a lot better than the last time. Seriously, at a certain point I was jogging, and decided, hey, I’ve got enough breath, I’m going to go a bit faster, and then again, a bit faster, and then I was running flat out feeling for just a moment as if I was actually athletic. Hah. But anyway, the jog went well, and I was pleasantly bushed by the time we got home and settled behind the computers for another short session.

And, well, that winds up the day for me, I am going to try to go to bed in time today, because, seriously, I am definitely not getting enough sleep of late. *sigh*
I’m outta here.

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