
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Song of the day: “Small bump” by Ed Sheeran. I’ve been having him in my head a lot lately. Not that it was a bad song, or anything. I actually like it a lot. A lot of them, in fact. Ah well, can’t tell the brain to do much of anything when it’s made up its mind. Hah.

Well, I’m totally not in the mood to write today’s blog, but what the heck, a deal’s a deal, Monday blogging it is.

First off is that Leba, one of mom’s Cocker Spaniels died unexpectedly today. It was all very strange, really. Mom had just returned from the vet, where she’d heard the poor darling had a faulty heart valve, but that she could go back home. Then, within several hours she was dead. Just like that. For Leba, it wasn’t the worst thing to happen. Though she was only six, she’d been blind for the past two years at least, and her health was iffy at best. It’s us humans that have some issues with it. *sigh* Never a good day when we lose one of the pack.

Well…Sunday’s market (yesterday). It started off with a flat tire halfway to Marbella, and when we took the spare from the boot (had to unload most of the car’s contents) we discovered that that one was soft too. Hah. Had to phone mom at the other market so she could come with the small pump that we have in the Land Rover so we could pump it up.
Since we were halfway there anyway, and since loading stuff back into the Opel would take more than half an hour, we tossed all the unloaded stuff in the back of the Land Rover and drove to the market with both cars.

A slow, Slow, SLOW day. Hah. I think we sold for the whopping total of 7.50. Yep. We can retire and live a life of luxury now. *sigh* Not a bad day, though. The atmosphere, though quiet, was pleasant enough. Some nice chats with new people, the stand was in full sunshine so it was nice and warm, and big brother and I managed to do twelve pages of edits. All in all not a wasted day at all. The good thing was that we didn’t need to pick up a donation for a change, so yay!

We did unload most of the stuff, but all in all managed to prepare some food and end the afternoon and evening at the normal time.

Saturday was of course used for edits followed by pouring the last bit of the new kitchen floor. Did have to go out for our weekly food donation pickup for the dogs after that, and since we didn’t have time to finish it grandpa did the honors on that last bit of smoothing the fresh concrete. Technically the whole floor is done now. Yay.

There was time spent in the yard, of course, watering young seedlings, planting more seedlings, and checking everything for caterpillars. It was wonderful down there, I tell ya, and I, for one, wouldn’t have minded to stay in the yard for a bit longer, but nope. There was other stuff to do. *sigh*

Trimmed grandpa’s beard. He’s been asking for several days, and we finally got around to it. Very specific, grandpa. I shouldn’t make his face look narrow by making his beard to short, and I shouldn’t make it square either. Hah. Ended up with a neat little beard that I think he was happy with. He asked me to do his hair too, but since that wasn’t that long yet, I decided to leave that for now.
Normal chores such as feeding the dogs, and preparing their food were par for the course, naturally. Same goes for laundry and cooking, which involved fresh broccoli from the yard with cauliflower and rice. And yesterday…well, I can’t remember, but we ate anyway. Hah.

This afternoon we finally got around to cleaning out Chaos’s ears…poor Basset still isn’t feeling well, and I fear that if this keeps up I might need to visit the vet one of these day. *sigh* Also Arthur’s ears, and Carla’s. Sometimes we seem to have an epidemic thing going with the friggin’ ears, but then I see Kollossus dive onto Jelly, and see just how they get wrecked ears. Jeez. She’s vicious pulling on the appendage.

Went for a run. Yay. I needed one, despite the fact that my friggin’ foot hurt like a biatch these past few days. You never guess what I discovered yesterday, though. While I was massaging my foot, I discovered a slight discoloration in my sole, and once I dug that open with a needle, I removed a strange black thread that stuck about a quarter of an inch into my foot. Yikes. Talk about weird. Suddenly I wasn’t all that surprised about the swelling in my foot, or the fact that it had been so friggin’ painful for the past few days. Grrr. Still don’t know what the thread was. Big brother took it from me to look at it in the light, but then lost it. Aaaargh.
The run didn’t go altogether bad, just not as long as I’d planned, since the recovering foot didn’t fully agree with the exercise.

Tadaika behaved well this weekend. Her pitiful wanderings in the evening are getting shorter now that she has realized that she can sleep on the bed all night, and in the mornings she takes a few minutes to crawl up to my side and rub me awake by pushing her full weight into me. *snort* Seriously, when she presses her head into my shoulder, it feels like someone’s giving me a knuckle massage.

Well, this is going to be it for me. The new year has started while I wrote the blog, so…


Let’s make it a good one, even if it kills us, eh?

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