
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not enough hours in a day

Song of the day: “Coconut” by Harry Wilson. Fun song to have in your head, only a little repetitive.

First off, we’ve been working on cutting down a tree. It was the strangest weather yesterday, however, and every time we wanted to start, either the wind started blowing, or the rain started to fall. In the end there was a lull, however, allowing big brother to climb up on my cabin, onto the ladder and start sawing. Cousin Ed and I were on the ropes, but after the first few inches, the darn top got stuck in one of the others, leaving us standing there with no way to go. There was some debate going on, at which point big brother tried chopping it looser, but that didn’t work either. So instead he attached another rope, and started yanking on the other side with Grandpa. Darn thing still didn’t move, and we had to hurry because the wind was picking up. So while Cousin Ed went up to help grandpa pull the other rope, I stood there debating with big brother and we decided that he would go up and attach the rope to the car and pull. While he was doing that, the wind picked up again, and of course that is when the tree top started to go. There I was, holding on to the rope, shouting “a hand here, I need a haaaaah” as it went, and me with it. Seriously, I’ve never been so happy wearing rubber gloves. For a moment there, I was up in the air, before I managed to crouch down and lock the rope. By then Cousin Ed joined me, and grandpa, and finally big brother. There were the ropes that hung over my terrace which had to be cut, the vines growing there that had to be untangled before we could start processing the tree.

Then today, since the wind picked up after that near disaster yesterday, big brother and I were at it again. This time it was the majority of the trunk, which went a lot easier now that the top was gone. We took it down in yards, and after about half an hour the whole thing was over and done with. Yay.

Lahbana apparently has absolutely no fear of being crushed, because while I was slowly lowering the heaviest trunk to my porch, she kept lying underneath it, staring up at the massive piece of wood that was coming right at her. *rolls eyes* Insane dog! Had to actually call her away from the porch, for crying out loud.

Got to haul trunks up the mountain. Had some beauties (two of ‘m to heavy for me to lift), which are going to be fun to chop. Excellent exercise for when I get too cold in the mornings, eh?

Mom had a little bit of trouble driving the van from the yard and bumped into one of the trees. This meant that the back door was a little bent, and neither little brother nor middle sister could open it up. So I went there to help out and…well, yanked it open. Hoping that it would be easier this time round, little brother closed it again, and tried to open it…no go, so again I pulled it open. We repeated the whole thing twice until finally the door was unbent enough for little brother to do it himself.

We went over to our job twice too. First another layer of caucho that had to be applied, and then tonight the first layer of paint. Didn’t take too long, but it was late, and already dark in the case of tonight. Gawd, what with all the other stuff going on, there just isn’t enough time in the day, is there?

There are always chores to do, and cooking to be done. Like last night there were boiled potatoes, a veggie mix with a herbal sauce, joined by a fresh salad that was partly chickweed. Rather tasty if you must know.

Writing is going well…at least yesterday I did about twelve pages, and today about eight, so not bad. Sometimes my concentration is wonderful, and the pages just flow out, while today I had several moment where I had to really work at it.

There were dogs to feed, of course. No tasty meat these past few days, which is a pity, but not disastrous since the dogs like pumpkins a lot. Those were plenty in the food. Hah.
Personally I have the nausea problem again at the moment. Stupid pressure point on the head, I’m guessing. Vomited twice already, which means that I really should start thinking about visiting the doctor again, darn it.

The temperatures have been incredibly icy these past couple of days. Up on the north western mountains there’s snow. Quite a bit of it in fact, and it gives a bite to the air during the days…and nights. Boy are the latter cold. In particular since I have that extra dog on the bed who is now also hogging the blankets. Seriously, they’re vying for warm spots, and seem to think it a good idea to work me out of the equation, or something. Like last night, I had to get up so I could move Knight II over and put a blanket around him, just to keep him out of my way a little. Grrr.

There were a couple of small pick ups during the past couple of days, and Gadah is losing more and more strength in her hips. Still bravely cheerful, which is so much Labrador that I sometimes doubt that she is actually cheerful, or just acts that way while she hurts like mad. I do see that she is steadily losing weight again, which means that it’s not going well.

Had wanted to fix the stove this afternoon, but didn’t get around to it, regretfully. Like I said, not enough hours in the day. Ah well, better luck tomorrow, right? As for now? The day is to an end for me. It’s been a long one, and with a little luck I’ll be in bed within an hour. Yay.

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