
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Song of the day: “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia. It’s been a while, but it’s still a good song.

Been a strange couple of days. I am not entirely sure why, but still, fact’s a fact. Strange.

Writing has been going rather well. Yesterday I managed a solid twenty pages, the day before thirteen, and today, again ten. The story is definitely getting there. There are rare moments that I really have very little to change in a sentence, and then other moments where I basically have to throw out the entire sentence, or paragraph and start over. I gotta say that I am happy to notice that I have improved considerably. These days, I can read a paragraph, and continue on reading while I am already starting on rewriting the beginning of the sentence. It makes for speedy rewrites, that’s a fact. Hah.

At the moment I am waking to Tadaika using me as a rubbing pole. Very painful, I admit. Silly dog thinks it’s a good idea to ram the top of her head into my shoulder, chest, of back, whichever spot is in her reach. Waaaaay too affectionate, but what can you do, right?

The usual stuff, ya know, laundry, cleaning, feeding the dogs, chores, blah, blah. Nothing special to report there. There was stuff to do in the yard, of course. Bugs to find…rather nice since there was a bit of sunlight and less wind down there…and plants to water.

Saturday night, before cooking dinner, we first loaded up the Land Rover in case the market would go through on Sunday…it didn’t. Despite the clouds having evaporated during the night, the winds were apparently horrible over by the beach (here too, for that matter), meaning that it had to be cancelled. Meaning we got to unload again, for no real reason, and fill our day with other activities.

In this case I opted to do some serious writing (ergo the twenty pages) and cleaning in my cabin. Took out the two chairs that the dogs wrecked these past six months or so. The rug, and then proceeded to sweep the floors, mop them, and tuck away some of my clean laundry, at last! Looks much better in there with a new chair and rug. Hah.

Since we were cleaning anyway, we hauled stuff from around the yard to the car as well (were going to do a garbage run later in the afternoon) and took the opportunity to fix a loose plate on my roof. The thing had been flapping during the night, which could drive me bonkers.

Hauled wood up to storage for drying. Got quite a bit of wood from that last eucalyptus. The lower part really was massive. Had to get up at least five wheelbarrows…and the chainsaw works really well.

Manage to eat some meat, which earned me a “good Sammie” pat on the head. Hah. Strangely enough it didn’t manage to keep me awake when we had to go out for a donation again, so I napped in the passenger seat until it was my turn to drive. Once home supper consisted of a fresh salad and fries.

Poor Knight isn’t feeling all that well at the moment. I suspect it has to do with the cold. Neither he nor Chaos are fans of low temps with lots of wind.

Which brings us to today, right? Well, there were the usual chores, naturally, followed by a much slower writing session and then me going up to trip tenant’s hair. We’ve decided to try out a pageboy-bob. It will take a while to develop, but what the heck.

That done, big brother and I packed up our tools and headed for the village for our paint job. Did a final circulation of fire on the wall…that really helped against the mold, by the way. There was none this time either. That done we applied the latex (caucho) layer to the stripped wall, and went on to clean the bathroom, (gawd, does that bring back memories of carpy cleaning jobs) the bedrooms, and generally mopping the floor all over.
Two, maybe three more trips to go, and then it should all be done. With a little luck we might even be able to do it cheaper than promised, which would be a nice change.
Did notice a parasite problem while working there. The woodwork is riddled with holes, so unless they had the place fumigated at some point, it doesn’t look good. Yikes.

The cleaning of the day done, we headed for the vet to drop of the muzzle I had borrowed for Knight II some time ago, along with mail and a school graduation book for one of the kids of the house’s owners. Then it was off to town to pick up some groceries. Actually did a good Samaritan thing today, hah. We were driving to the village when we noticed a box in the middle of the road. We debated for a moment, and then stopped to pick it up and check its contents (there’s always the fear of live puppies that were dumped after all). Turns out that it was a delivery that must have dropped off a delivery truck, so we debated again and then decided to see if we could find the address in the village. We couldn’t, so we stopped at a local farmer’s market (to a guy we know there) and asked if he knew the street name. He didn’t either, but he did offer to phone the number on the box and reached the woman it belonged to. He explained what had happened and the woman promised to come and pick it up by the time he put down the phone and assured us that he’d take care of it from there on.

Before you know it we were headed home where big brother made spaghetti and cheese for supper so I could start writing immediately.

And so we have reached the end of this weekend’s rundown. Nothing really strange to explain the hinky feeling I’m experiencing, but what the heck. Tomorrow’s a brand new day and I’m going for it. Hah.

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