
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

One more edit over and done with

Song of the day: “Walk on by” by Bryan Adams, of course. Don’t have him in my head all that much, but his music goes down well.

So what did we do yesterday?
Weeeeell. It was my B-Day, and I celebrated by making three cheesecakes, one lemon and two forest fruits that worked out extremely well. I am totally writing those down for my cook book. Hah. As to the activities of the day. We did a good edit, almost finishing, with just a few pages to spare. Were a little on the late side. And then the pie making cut into the day to, meaning that we didn’t leave for the village until about a quarter to four. Arrived at the job around four, giving us two hours to get this big closet apart and out. Didn’t go all that bad, either. Still had enough time to get out the scrapers and start on the wall. Most of it was easy enough, except that in places the mold was so bad that the plasterwork fell right off. Are going to have to do something about that before we can do any painting. By the time we finished with the wall for the day, and loaded up the debris of the closet (cleaned up a little) into the car, the across the street neighbor came over to ask if the place was going to be rented out. We talked for a bit, and I walked her through the house so she could see how many rooms were there. Turns out she has twins, with a new one in the oven. She and her husband are looking for a bigger place, so I told her to give me her number so I could send it to the home owner. She was a nice enough woman.

Afterward we had a quick run to the vegetable distribution center, before we headed back home to lemon pie for a snack and unloading, right before we had to head into town for another donation. Once home again, rather late, we had pasta and sauce for supper and tried a few more pages on the edit. One more to go at the end of the evening when I just couldn’t keep my eyes open a moment longer.

Was a restful night, with me waking up a little on the late side.
There was the usual…oh my Gawd, I need to write this down before I forget again. Remember the Wednesday market? Well, I was headed to a small restaurant there to make use of the facilities, (it is at quite some distance) when I walked past a young dude going the other way. I kid you not, he looked me over from my toes to my head and then did a “Joey” (from Friends) by practically winking and nodding his head in approval. Seriously, I almost laughed right then and there, but managed to hold it back until I went around the corner. Gawd, I thought stuff like that only happened in movies, but there you have. It was hysterical.

Okay, back to the original course of the blog. Where was I. Late side, right.
There were the usual morning chores, of course, along with feeding the dogs. Finished the edit. Yay. There’s still some checking to do of the changes we made on the story, but the main edit is DONE. Double yay. Worked a bit on the pitch, checked out what would be the excerpt, and went over the rules of the contest once more. We should have it all done, but what the hey. We’ve got two more days to go, and then we have to get up at four, or five in the morning, so we can send it out before six AM…jeeeeeeez. The things you do for a possibility, right?

After today’s edit, we got to work on the kitchen, adding more bricks, the tubing and a good row of natural rocks that bring the total up to most of half of what’s left of the project. That is not counting all that will need to be done on the inside, of course. Hah.

That done, we headed out for a jog (didn’t go splendid, but did it regardless) and to pick up a load of cement bags. While I was there I also asked how much metal doors for an oven would be, and he would look into it.

Since we ate leftover spaghetti and sauce for lunch, we had supper on fried stuff with bread, with desert of forest fruit cheesecake topped with a massive amount of whipped cream. Hah. In one word wonderful.

Mom and the sibs their van isn’t here yet, something with a meter for the cooling liquid that still had to be installed. If all goes well, they’re picking it up tomorrow. I’ll make a pic for ya. Hah.

So, the end of the week is there again, isn’t it? Gawd, that goes fast. So much to do, so little time to do it in. Ah well, wouldn’t want to be bored anyway.

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