
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hospital toils

Song of the day: “Rapper’s delight” by the Sugar Hill Gang. Such a funny song, and definitely not bad as an earworm with the variety in the lyrics.

We had a serious hail storm during the night, yesterday. By the time I got up during the chilling morning, there were hail pellets lying about everywhere. Strange. And later, once I went up to the old horse paddock, I looked at the mountains in the west and saw that they were covered in more snow than I’d ever before seen. It was beautiful. I almost decided to hop in the car and drive there. It’s been ages since I touched snow. *sigh*

Was a quiet day yesterday. Started with the usual chores such as laundry, walking the visiting dogs, and feeding the dogs. The latter was really enjoyed by the pack, since there were two large pots of venison stew that went through it. Boy did they eat fast.

Packed tenant up in her wheelchair and took her out for some fresh air. She has been hiding away in her room lately feeling miserable (and perhaps a little sorry for herself) so I thought I give her some change of scenery. For some reason she has convinced herself that she suffered a stroke or something, and has moments that she thinks she can’t walk anymore and just wants to lie in bed. Very strange.

Was up early this morning so caregiver and I could take tenant to the hospital. This is partly because it is a disaster to park at the hospital, so I dropped the two of them off and started looking for a parking place. Found one a mile down the road behind a golf course, and had to hike the whole way back. (am paying for that dealing. What is it with walking to and fro at the hospital that wrecks my foot so?) Regretfully, it was practically impossible to properly prep tenant for the x-rays, it took longer than it was supposed to (1 hour instead of a ½) so there was loads of waiting involved. Did meet this very nice little lady, who was so worried about the procedure (she was having the same as tenant) and feared that it would hurt, and she was so hungry because of the prepping, and she was there on her own because her husband had been unable to find a parking spot, and her daughter worked in Malaga as a lawyer, while her son worked in Marbella. So fascinating (despite her soft-spoken Spanish), all the stuff you learn about folks while waiting in the waiting room, eh? I had to agree with her that waiting rooms are horrid, though. You only see sick folks come by, which is depressing.
Afterward we went to Funny Beach to (show her around) treat her to a cup of coffee and some French fries. It was nice there. No wind, nice and sunny, and she even took a few steps on the beach before she remembered that she “can’t” walk, and demanded to be brought back to her chair. *sigh* Well, at least she took three steps in the sand, right?

Mom is still a little under the weather, but slowly improving. She even managed to go out today, which I would liked to have prevented, what with her condition, but what the hey. She’s an adult after all.

Writing wise, we’re still going steady. We might finish this weekend and send out the material on Monday, but we’ll have to see how that works out. Did some today as well. Not a lot, but some at least.

Knight II is officially without a cone now. So far he is leaving his poor ear alone, focusing primarily on his paw. I don't know why, but for some peculiar reason he is determined to gnaw it off, or something.

Made new potions. I was out of my last batch, which went wrong some, because they didn't work as well, and made the new ones in the early morning after picking the herbs from the yard. It should allow me to battle the after effects of this flu better.

As for this blog. 6 more viewers and we’ve hit 10K people. Who would have thought four years ago that I’d ever get ten thousand hits on this blog, but there you have it. 10,000 visits. Let me just say thank you for checking it out…and especially for coming back. Hah.

Did some more masonry on the kitchen, yay. Still not done, but once again a little closer to completion. If weather permits I think I’m going to work on the window frames tomorrow. It shouldn’t be to hard, but then, you never should get cocky. As for the walls, they’re looking good.

For supper we made bread pizza’s, which went down extremely well. Same goes for today’s cauliflower soup. Don’t you just love the thick soups? I do. They warm you up inside.

Went out for a donation, both yesterday and today, but they were minor, all things considered. Good still, in particular the foodstuff which make up for the diversity in the dog food. Well, I’m starting to draw a blank as to what else has been going on lately. Like I said, it’s been nicely quiet, in particular since we’ve still been recuperating from that nasty flu last week. *sigh*

That’s for today, I suppose. I would like to get to bed in time tonight, so I’m calling it a night. Better hope I have something grand in mind for Monday when we’ll be sure to have past the 10K mark. Yay!

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