
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Life goes on

Song of the day: “Rapper’s delight” by the Sugarhill gang, which I’ve had in my head before, and undoubtedly will again.

So yeah, didn’t sleep well yesterday because I woke early from a rather fretful dream where supposedly I was trying to check out the Abna results, but the texts were all gibberish, and I was already slowly waking up, telling myself I wasn’t going to sacrifice sleep over this, and stubbornly tried to sleep on…only to give up at eight thirty and turning on my computer. And yes, like I said yesterday, we’re IN THE NEXT ROUND.
How awesome is THAT?!

And what’s better, I got my first two editorial reviews (feedback) on why it got through. They were wonderful, except for a mention of some typos there was basically nothing negative about either of them, one was even rather raving, and I’m, like, THRILLED! Both reviewers want to read what will happen next, so I would say that’s a definite compliment.

But enough about that, it is back to we’ll see of course, so let’s see what else has been happening.

Well, there were huge loads of laundry, of course, in particular since the bad weather prevented it from drying. But yesterday the whole lot was finally dry, so that was a lot of folding to do.
Gawd am I happy that the weather turned. Sure, it’s a lot colder now, but at least we have sunshine during the day again. Yay.

Went into the yard to harvest a load of broccoli again, along with two fresh lettuces and three huge, gorgeous cauliflowers that we immediately ate for supper along with a nice big batch of potatoes and cream. Yummy. It was wonderful down there? So green, so beautiful, even with the load of weeds that we should start getting out of there some day soon.

Tenant didn’t do so well yesterday, the post hospital blues started, I fear, in particular since we are not able to give her the same luxury treatment as she got there. Makes it all a lot less fun, for her. Same goes for today. We are actually a bit worried, and happy that she has an appointment at the GP tomorrow morning.

There were edits. Not as many as I would have liked, but edits nonetheless. However, focusing was rather hard tonight, what with the discovery of the review, so today we did even less. *gasp* Ah who cares, what’s another day, right?

Flu-wise, stuff is looking up. Slowly but steadily this old bag of bones is getting better. Cough is receding a little, bones hurt a little less, and energy levels get a little higher. Even managed a short jog today, so yay! It was so nice to momentarily exert myself again (regardless of the occasional coughing fit I caused, hah) and do something physical after almost a month of semi-inactivity.

Had an appointment this morning with a woman who has agreed to try and teach big brother and me some better Spanish. Yep, we decided to give it a shot. Seriously, nothing is quite as annoying as not being able to make yourself understood, and this woman is willing to take us on, so we might as well try. This will mean lessons for two hours a week, every Wednesday for the next month, starting next week. Guess we’ll have to see how that goes, too, huh?

Had to do some groceries in regards to mom’s b-day on Friday. She’s having friends over, so she asked us to pick some stuff up in town. Since we had to go there anyway, we volunteered for it.
I even got her a present. Hah.

Sally fell this morning, cutting up her leg, so when we go to the GP with tenant tomorrow, we’re taking her along as well, because the blood isn’t clotting properly. Gotta be careful with stuff like that after all. While caregiver and I see to that in the morning, big brother and grandpa are heading to the village to get bread for dog food.

Worked a bit on the window for the future kitchen. Got all the frame sides sawed, now so the next time we can start putting them together. It’ll look good, I think. And it’ll be sturdy.

The dogs...well, they're their usual wonky selves, making nuisances of themselves. In particular Knight II who has, at the moment, an over abundance of energy (I blame the bad weather) goo thing we went for a jog, because he needed the exercise.

Well, I’m tired, and I can’t think of anything else that is remotely interesting (there might be something, but for the life of me I can’t remember) so I think I might be ready to start heading to bed. Like yesterday, I didn’t sleep all that well this night. I woke up from some wonky nightmare of gaping wounds that freaked me out, so I lay awake for more than an hour trying to get that imagery out of my head. Where the heck that came from, I have no clue.

Okay, I’m off.

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