
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Third Round!!!

So yeah, a quick in-between here.

I discovered this morning Saving Nina went through to the next round. You can check it out here:
Maybe read the excerpt, vote a little *eyebrow wiggle* if you can, feel like it, and enjoy what you read?

Gawd, I never expected it to get this far, but there you go. Very exciting.

I almost indie-published this one (and still might, at some point)and this here picture, is the type of cover I had in mind. (Made by talented little brother).

Would be grand, wouldn't it?

Ah well, we' know what I'm going to say, right? "WE'LL SEE!"
Any vote at Amazon would be appreciated, so thanks in advance.


Tanner said...

Hiya Sam! Congrats on making it so far. I wish you the best of luck.

Samaya Young said...

Gawd, it's been ages. Thanks for the congrats.
Hope all is well with you. :-D