
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

There we go again

Song of the day: “A little time” by the Beautiful South.

And once again I am writing this blog from the hospital, darn it. Today was tenant’s appointment, and since feeding/drinking time is nothing if not a trial these days, it is starting to look like she is going to have stay here again. Added to that, the latest on the kidney stones is that they are either going to have to laser them, or operate, both for which she is not strong enough yet. Seriously, I have never met anyone who is so reluctant to get well again. Not saying that she’s doing it deliberately, but when the doctors say you should drink at least a 2 to 3 liters water for those pesky little buggers to pass I’d darn well be drinking them. Apparently, for tenant this is not the case. With every day that passes she drinks less, and less, and…well, feels worse for it. *Sigh* It is rather sad, in particular since in both instances when she happily went out of hospital the past two times she claimed to have learned her lesson, only to forget said lesson in less than two days after her home coming. The doctors are dismissing her behavior to age, but I have to say that I have my doubts. Something else seems to be amiss, but what remains to be seen.
So Cousin Ed and I spent a wonderful day at the hospital…well, she spent three hours more there than I did, seeing as I had to go to the hardware store in Marbella, and then decided to spent a couple of hours at Funny Beach to do some work on my computer. Managed to finish the book I’m reviewing. I’ll be posting that one of these days (“I’ve Been Deader” by Adam Siffre) since I actually got around to starting on it. Had some coffee, some water and some chips…the latter really necessary due to the fact that I only had a small portion of cereal for breakfast.
And then the waiting started. Waiting, waiting and waiting some more while they ran a whole battery of tests. At a certain point we left to go to a supermarket to get ourselves some food, then stood on the beach eating it, before we had to head back to hospital for the next step of the day. The fun thing is, you can speak to the doctor at one and at eight, but visiting hours are at eight, eleven, and five, so guess what you’re doing between those hours? Yep! Wait! Aaaargh!
At the moment they can’t really find anything wrong, but better safe than sorry, of course. We should find out more tomorrow.
Darn it, now I’m going to have to write her daughter with the bad news again.

But enough about that, there’s nothing I can do anyway, so there’s no sense in getting worked up about the whole thing. On to nicer subjects. Like yesterday.

After the morning chores, big brother and I hopped into the car and drove to the Coin market. We are looking for a deep fryer, seeing as the old one is dying a slow death. So I got to haggle, which is always fun. Though I didn’t find a deep fryer, I did manage to get a nice set of ceramic plates for my future kitchen. There were 26 plates and bowls and the vendor wanted fifteen bucks for them. Considering the set was old, and there was some damage, the haggling commenced. Sure, I want dishes, but for the amount of damage, fifteen really was way too much. So I started to doubt, but the guy was desperate and asked me what I was willing to give. Considering my doubts, I didn’t really answer and he said ten, at which point I sighed and said, six. He looked outraged, I shrugged, pointed out the damage, and the fact that there were way more small plates than big ones. He went to nine, I to seven, and in the end we settled on six…minus the box in which they were piled. Instead I got a bag.
Also got a couple of books for tenant, bras too, and three stainless steel bowls (you know the kind from hotels, right?) that I haggled down from twelve to six bucks.
All in all a successful morning, in particular since I also found a couple of Salvia (sage) plants, which I’d been looking for for quite some time.

For the past couple of days big brother and I have been working on the novella Chicago Hope, because we’ve decided to send it to a publisher that is looking for stories of that word count. Managed to edit the entire story (some odd fifty pages) in a four hour session, so that’s definitely not bad. The remainder of our computer time has been spent working on a proper pitch letter.

There was some time to work on the window for the kitchen. Got it together this time, so only one more that we need to make now, and then we can start to mason them into the walls. That sure would be nice, in particular since we haven’t been able to do much of anything on the kitchen this past month. Gawd, friggin’ flu…almost done with it now, though. Got some residual coughing going every now and then, but that’s it.

Other than that…well, life is otherwise pretty uneventful at the moment. Had some trips for donations, did the cooking, fed the dogs, bandaged Knight II up, because the idiot decided to lick his paw open again. Gawd, sometimes I think the idiot will eat up his foot some day.

Had to take Sally to town to have her glasses checked. She says she still can’t see everything right, but the glasses they made for her are the strongest available. She’s okay with it, but wanted to know for sure that there wasn’t anything to be done. At least she was in good spirits.

Well, time to go to bed. I’ve had it. We didn’t get home until 8 PM, and …well, it was a long one.

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