
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Song of the day: “Irish Son” by Brian McFadden. Who’d have thought he could sing solo, but there you have it. Good son, very intense.

Laundry wise things have been going in loads. All the bad weather kept it from drying properly again, so there was plenty to fold yesterday. Strange how just a handful of folks can produce that much laundry, eh?

But anyway, I don’t mind. Hanging and folding laundry soothes me, and allows me to let my minimal amount of OCD play. Hah. Seriously, if you’ve never hung laundry (can’t imagine it, but what the hey) you should do it some day. Cheaper than a dryer and, not to mention, better for the environment. Hah.

Tenant is back home, yay. They sent her home, saying that we’re not supposed to bring her there again unless the local infirmary says she has to, or if it is an extreme emergency. *sigh* It’s not as if we go there for the fun of it, idiots. She seemed to be in good spirits, except that she was trying to think of ways that she would be able to have her intravenous drip in her room, rather than needing to drink constantly…which isn’t possible of course. There’s no way they’ll put you on a drip when you’re at home without a professional nurse. Seriously, it’s a trial…we’ll have to get through it, though. We have been looking into getting help if she doesn’t improve soon (so far it is going…albeit difficultly. She has, just barely, reached the absolute minimum quota of what she’s supposed to drink today, yay) so we’re keeping our fingers crossed.
Talked with her daughter on the phone a bit, which was a relief, since there are, and will be, decisions that have to be made in the future, and it is not our place to make them. *sigh*

Did finally manage to scrounge up the nerve to talk with Sally about, if the worst were to happen, and she dies, what she wants to be done. She was very firm about it, and determined, claiming she wants to be cremated and for us to let her oldest brother know. That’s a relief too.

Okay, enough depressing news. Good thing is we sent another manuscript to a publisher. A novella, this time. The one we read through in 4 hours without finding any major errors. Yay!
Sent it, got a confirmation that it arrived, and so the waiting game starts. Did see that A.I.L. which we sent to the same publisher has an “In progress” status, rather than just “received”. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Managed to choke down meat (both today and yesterday) just barely. Didn’t get the whole slab, but at least eighty percent, so I’m content with that at least. Part of my problem was that I was out of peanut butter, meaning that I was unable to make a proper Satay for it. Without the sauce I really am not able to make my way through the stuff…and due to the fact that I only ate it once or twice this past month, it was harder again to eat it.

Did some edits for T.M.S.T.S. Not as much as I would have liked, but some at least. Am afraid we’re not going to make our deadline of before the end of spring, but we’re going to continue trying at the very least.

Cooking involved a large amount of potatoes, tossed together with fresh Broccoli and Cauliflower from the yard. The cream and butter that I added with fresh garden herbs, made it darn near perfect, thank you very much. Blendering the mix with some liver for tenant, took care of her needs as well. And she liked it, so, yippee.

The dogs had to be fed as well, of course. One of the morning chores, ya know. Every day the same, naturally, but they are much appreciative nigh on every morning. Were in a bit of a rush with it this morning, because at noon we had to be in the village to meet with our Spanish teacher. Yep, the day has arrived for us to start on our Spanish lessons. We actually managed to arrive on time, and spent some odd two hours poring over our notebooks as she instructed us in the finer parts of the language. I wasn’t as bad at it as I expected. She could explain most of anything in Spanish (only needed to resort to English a handful of times) and we repeated, and repeated, and repeated when we were told to. Hah.

Afterward we headed to town to go past the garage and ask for an appointment for the Land Rover. The light of the differential lock has been flickering, meaning that something is wrong. The way we figure, we better have the mechanic look at it before something breaks. Got an appointment for Monday. Had a nice chat with the receptionist, who had some awful experiences at the hospital these past few months. She almost died, in fact, if she had not gone to a private hospital where they sorted it out real fast. Bone marrow was no longer making red blood cells. Yikes! Scary, huh, all the stuff that can go wrong?

Knight is doing okay, the bandage held this time. Am going to have to check it today, though. My foot. Well, I have been doing a lot of stretches, seeing as the discomfort was somewhat fierce these past few weeks, and this morning was the first time in ages that I could actually get out of bed without risking going flat on my face from it. A definite yay, that…of course, it doesn’t help that Tadaika decided to use me as a horizontal rubbing pole, and thereby caused me to sprain something in my neck while I tried to dodge her affection. Grrr. Have been turning my upper body instead of my neck all day, darn it.

Went into the yard for a bit, which was nice. Got to yank weeds and harvested broccoli, chickweed and iceberg slaw. The weather was actually splendid. Bright sunshine. The wind wasn't too bad, and the temps doable with a sweater on.

Well, that’s it for me. Time to go to bed. This day has definitely reached its end for me.

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