
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Not looking bad

Song of the day: “Let the sun shine” by Labrynth. Still an awesome song, despite the fact that I often have it in my head.

Sooooo, what has been happening. Not a whole lot, but that’s nothing new, right?
I overslept by half an hour yesterday, and still was tired. Don’t know what that was all about. But anyways, there were the normal, morning chores followed by bringing Olive and Jane back to the village, before getting some of breakfast, and heading out again for a short trip to town.

For some reason I was still tired by then, felt downright sickly, in fact, so I took a short nap and was really out for the count. Cousin Ed had to call three times before I woke up. How weird is that?

Got to work on the last window for the kitchen. Got it all sawed, and ready to put together when mom phoned and asked if maybe we could look at their market awning because the wind wrecked it the last time. That took about an hour to fix, and by then it was time to start on supper. Made a rather elaborate meal of mushroom pastry with fresh cauliflower, ratatouille, and baked ravioli on the side.

While cooking, I just barely managed to feed tenant, who ate well, much to our relief. Food wise it is not such a disaster lately, but the drinking…well, frustrating doesn’t quite cover it.

There was a writing session, of course, and the book is around 22K words, and well to the middle. Not bad. The progress is better than I expected. With a little luck we’ll be able to start with the edit next week.

Wanted to go to bed on time, but didn’t get there until one thirty in the morning. *Sigh* Were in a rush most of today. There were the normal chores again, of course, followed by a quick breakfast right before we had to head for our Spanish class. Were on the late side, so we had to hurry, only to arrive three minutes late. Not bad…and that without speeding. Hah.

Didn’t go bad either. She could do most of the lesson in Spanish, which is a good thing. She has a pleasantly slow way of speaking, very explicit, which makes it easy to follow. We actually managed conversation.

Afterward we headed for the vegetable center, followed by a rushed trip to town for a “last-minute” pick up, meaning we were running late for my doctor’s appointment. Then, on our way there (the road that went past home) we got stuck after a beer truck going about ten miles per hour, so I told big brother to please drive down to the gate so I could run to the toilet. Gawd, I had to pee sooooo bad.

Back on the road, he made it record time to the clinic where I arrived two minutes late, only to sit there in the waiting room for another twenty-five minutes. Seriously, there is nothing I hate more than waiting in a waiting room…in particular since I couldn’t help but worry about what the doctor was going to do. So wasn’t looking forward to more of the same, and at one point actually started to get flushed and a little dizzy. Asked for a cup of water, and sipped that before I was called into the exam room.

There was some more waiting involved since the doc was on the phone and then we went through the “how’ve you been” answered by my “it hurt a little” to which he tsked and told me to lie down so he could have a looksee.

I can tell you that, despite my worry, it wasn’t as bad as the last time. He did yank off the band-aid (taking half my hair with it *sigh*) and squeezed some more puss out, but on the overall he said that it didn’t look back and that the infection was going down. A new band-aid was slapped on, and then I could leave with an appointment with the nurse on Friday, and then another, to see how it is going, on Monday. So exhausting, all this doctor visiting stuff. The poor pack was ecstatic and frantic at the same time when we finally got home. *double sigh*

Didn’t cry my eyes out this time, heck I didn’t even drop a tear, so all’s swell. Once we got home we headed straight into the yard to harvest broccoli, lettuce and cauliflower. Then it was up to the kitchen to cook supper for tenant…made veggies with lentils for her…and preparing pizza for the rest of us.

Only managed about an hour of writing, but that couldn’t be helped. Instead this blog had to be written after all, and there are only so many hours in the day…regretfully.

That’s if for today. I’m running on fumes again, so I better hit the sheets.

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