
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Not well

Song of the day: “The animal song” by Savage Garden. It’s been a while that I had this song in my head. But it’s good.

Well, well, well. I am of course drawing a complete blank right now, being absolutely unable to remember what I’ve been up to for the past couple of days.

Hmmm. I did some serious cleaning…not my cabin naturally, because let’s face it, who’s got time for insignificant stuff like that, right? Nope, instead I spent about an hour scrubbing the 2nd hand stove that I managed to find for the future kitchen. It was a bargain, really, barely cost more than transportation in fact, but boy was it dirty. Now I’m a slob on most parts, but kitchen stuff has to be clean. *sigh*

Next we took apart the loose materials that have to be fixed and painted before we can start using the thing. There’s quite a bit of rust, and it’ll need quite a bit of work, but it should work just fine in the future. Especially the burners, which number four. One really big one, two mid-sizes and one small one. I can’t wait to cook on that puppy.

We finally, finally put in the berry bushes up at the planter grandpa built over by Sally’s cabin. They look awesomely cute, in particular with the tiny strawberry plants underneath. I’ll have to take a picture one of these days.

The weather has been extremely hazy of late. Really strange. Up until around noon, sometimes even later, we don’t even see the sun, let alone the mountains, the city, or the sea. It makes the world rather limited, if you must know. The temps are good, though.

There were the chores of course, I’m sure they were, because that is how every day starts, hah. But I did manage a kick boxing session of about fifteen minutes. Gawd, I needed a good session, and it was awesome. Seriously, my every muscle was screaming afterward.

Tenant is eating and drinking relatively well at the moment, and is even insisting at times to feed herself, but we are faced with a new problem. She has been complaining about her stomach becoming too fat, meaning that now she has got it in her head that she should be eating less! Aaaaargh. Seriously, where does she get these ideas? Her legs are so thin you can wrap your hand around it, her shoulders are sticking out because she let herself starve to death up until last month, or so, and she thinks it’s a good idea to diet. *headdesk*

Sally is still not doing well either. Had to go to the village today to pick her up. She’d had to have her thrombosis checked, which apparently hurt her a lot. She was in a bad state, sitting in this little restaurant, crying her eyes out. The fella working there, didn’t even ask me to pay for her, because he thought it sad. Drove her home, and then had to head back out again. There was a small donation again, and that took some time.

Sally is in fact not doing well now, which I fear has everything to do with the fact that she thought it a smart idea to take 3000 mg against the pain in her belly. At the moment caregiver is phoning an ambulance so they can check things out.

Cooking today involved yesterday’s leftovers. Which is nice. Had pasta primavera, which was part of today’s meal along with white endive prepared by big brother. Went down well, but of course I was starving again after three hours. Been starving a lot lately, while being nauseous, which has to do with the friggin’ antibiotics. Grrr. Stupid stuff. The lump’s getting smaller, though, so the puss is disappearing at last. *sigh*

The edit’s been going steady, if somewhat slow. The news scenes appear to be working, though, so we should be able to work it into something that the publisher will like.

The dogs are, on the overall doing well. Though Empera is still having a hard time of it, there does seem to be some improvement. As for the rest? The main problem right now is the ever increasing amount of ticks. We’re so going to have to put them in an anti tick bath soon.

We’ve been in the yard, harvesting, yanking weeds, and watering those poor darlings that are in need of refreshment in the increasing heat of the days. It looks like we’re not going to have an easy time of adjustment again this year because the heat is there full force the moment the haze clears.

As for anything else that was done…there will be more but I just can’t remember. This will just have to do. *sigh*

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