
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Too few hours

Song of the day: “Some nights” by Fun. Good song. Impressive, strong, and well…fun.

First of, a bit of good news. I got my Publisher’s Weekly review, which I will post tomorrow, or the day after, because I haven’t completely figured out when I’m allowed to. I could probably post it today, but since I’m not sure, I’ll wait a bit. I gotta say: He/she liked it! At least that is what I got reading the review. It was clear that the reviewer really read through it, hit all the highlights, and seemed to appreciate them. There were a few points that he/she criticized but for most any criticism he/she then added a redeeming quality that negated said criticism. So I was reading it and went “criticism, this and that, followed by that and more” getting depressed, only to pep up from some rather wonderful compliments. And that went up and down, time and again. I was not good company during that reading session, then did a weird sigh kinda thing, hopped up and paced around like an idiot for a bit, and then spent the remainder of the afternoon talking about it. Hah. I’ll stop talking about it now, because you’re going to read it yourself soon enough.

I do know that I can totally use this review in future query letters to publishers, and agents. Gotta love something good that you can put in those letters. It’s gotta mean something, that’s a fact. Gawd, I wish I could post it today, just to show off, you know…ah well. Next time.

What happened otherwise. Well, this morning I had a rather wonderful kick boxing session of a solid fifteen minutes. Yeah, I know, who’s got time for a workout, but I just had to. I really really needed to blow of some steam, kick some butt and…well, just get my blood pumping a little. Went through the whole session at top speed, so that worked really well.

There was a session in the yard, of course. Gathered about four pounds of broccoli, which I’m really going to have to prepare for supper one of these days…soon anyway.
Also sawed down a tree, which had to be processed. Didn’t completely get to finish that, but it’s out of the way at least.

Tenant is being a tad difficult again, making a racket about drinking, (as usual) but the nurse who comes by every two days or so, said she was doing a little (very little) better, so maybe she’s sneaking in an extra bit here and there without us noticing. She does seem a little clearer, and she did enjoy the pies I made, so at least she enjoyed that part of her birthday.

Did some good editing, considering the writing has been over and done with since Saturday. Yep. Everything that had to be added to Chicago Hope is there, and now all we need is to edit it…three or four times!

Sally is not doing well. We’re looking to have her check out by a doctor, rather than take her to hospital. At the moment she is signed in at some sort of charity organization which had promised to come by to check out how she was doing, but since she’s been waiting for more than three weeks now, we’re looking into different options. At the moment she is constantly dizzy and can function really badly.

Was at the pharmacy the other day, and finally caved and got myself a couple of heels especially designed for people with Plantars Faciitis. Have been wearing them for two days now, and I gotta say that it doesn’t feel bad. Even yesterday. I wasn’t even ready to chop the darn thing off at the end of it.

In case you’re wondering, yesterday was market day, of course. Despite the fact that we decided to cover all our bases by loading part of the load into the trailer, we had the spot t the beginning of the plot, meaning that we could basically unload and set up at the same spot, instead of spending more than two hours unloading, and two and a half hours loading. Much better, in particular since we have way to much stuff to be hauling it all back and forth. *sigh*
As usual, during market day, I spent two to three hours in the restaurant (apparently the table I occupy is already being called my table, hah) working on reading through the new material and adding a page to another manuscript when I couldn’t find any holes in Chicago Hope that needed to be filled. Sure, the edit is going to take at least another month, if not more, but at least this part is done. Yay.
But anyway, market-wise it didn’t go all that bad. We sold more than expenses, at least, and there appeared to be an increase in folks coming out there.
Had a rather wonderful chat with three people from Scotland. They thought it incredibly warm, while I was standing there feeling the chill. *sigh* Turns out that at the moment they’re lucky with forty degrees in the North of Scotland, never mind eighties. In the summer their top temps are 60s for crying out loud. But anyway, we talked a nice long time. They thought I was from the UK, which is a nice compliment, all things considered. They even bought a doll, because she collected them, and spent he free time sewing clothes and making hair for the old dolls they try to buy at all markets. They were very friendly, which is always great. I gotta say that I like that part about market days. You get to meet the most varied type of people.

Once we got home, the car had to be unloaded, of course, and then it was time to eat (though as usual I wasn’t really hungry. Never am after a day like that. The hunger sets in later) which was good, because big brother had made white endive with rice on the side.

The dogs were nicely bonkers, too, seeing as we were gone so long. But then, I spent the majority of the evening taking off ticks (seriously, an anti-tick bath. Soon!) which they absolutely love. Some of them will actually come sit beside me to have me take the darn parasites off.

Empera is showing some improvement. Not much, mind you, but at least enough for us to have to keep her locked up or else she might damage herself by walking around to wildly. Silly dog is flopping all over the place.

I had planned on eating meat today, but I just didn’t manage to make time. After we came from the yard, the time had gotten away from us, forcing me to rush through a shower (I was sweaty as heck) stuff my face with an apple pancake that grandpa made for me, and then had to go to the doctor’s to have my head checked. Still puss stuff coming out, so he’s caved and is putting me on antibiotics, darn it. I’m giving it five days. If it hasn’t stopped pussing by then, this old carcass better start doing it solo, because that’ll be all she wrote for my cooperation. Grrr.
Did friggin’ hurt again. The doc really puts strength into squeezing the skin out, damn. Nothing as bad as that first time, however, thankfully.

Did some Spanish, which isn’t enough yet by far, considering I haven’t even done half my homework yet. Where are the friggin’ hours going, darn it?

What else? I don’t have a clue. Considering it is already past one in the morning, I really have to get to bed. It’s been a long friggin’ day.

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