
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hospital toils continued

Right. Let’s do this again. I'm writing this while While waiting at the hospital I had "Coconut" by Harry Nillson in my head, which was a nicely smooth song that kept me properly entertained while we waited. Sally had to be admitted to the hospital, which meant endless waiting once more while the annoyed doctor ordered us about. Something got her knickers in a twist for sure, and it wasn’t us. Very unpleasant.
Isn’t the state hospital fun. Oh, if only we were filthy rich and able to go to some private place where you’re more than just a number, right? Ah well, on to the past few days.

There were of course the normal chores. The beauty of laundry (*snort*), getting food ready for the dogs. They were their usual monstrous selves, naturally. Flying into the food as if they hadn’t eaten in a week rather than the previous morning…and whatever snack they managed to steal, meaning a lot, because I can’t tell you how often I turn around and find a sandwich gone, or a block of cheese, or a tub of butter. Nasty dogsies. They’re a sneaky lot for sure.

What else. Well, I got a little distracted chatting online yesterday. It happens sometimes. I start talking, having fun, and before you know it quite some time has passed without me doing a single constructive thing. *sigh* But okay, just a few hours lost that did lift my spirits a little. And afterward I also managed to get the basis of the five paragraph synopsis down. Gawd that’s hard. I mean seriously, condensing a big story down to that is almost criminal. Hah. But anyway, I persevered, managed to win that battle, and can now spend some time sorting through it, polish it, and in the end send it to an agent I found who is actively looking for new clients.

Considering cousin Ed and Sally spent the entirety of the day at the hospital, first for her scan and then for the docs to check up on her leg, so I cooked a nice cauliflower soup for their return, and left it to simmer.

What else? Well, there was the yard to see to, of course, but regretfully I didn’t find the time to go there because before we knew it, big brother and I had to head for town to return a non-functioning blender to the shop, do a few groceries, and pick up a small donation. Regretfully such things cost time, and we didn’t get back home until after nine in the evening.

Luckily we still had leftovers from yesterday, so cooking was just a matter of tossing stuff into a pan and letting it heat. We managed only a little reading after that and decided to go to bed early for a change so we could have an early start. I was in bed at one. Yay!

Did have to get up earlier this morning, though, because there was a lot to do before we could go to our lessons. The usual chores, naturally, and then doing a quick run of this weeks homework because I simply didn’t get to it until this last moment. Time went way to fast, of course. Barely had time to stuff some food in my mouth and before you know it we were on our way to our lessons.
It didn’t go bad. Not at all, in fact. Had actual conversation with good sentences, and apparently most of the phrases I did for my homework were correct. Yay. Progress at least. If I ask myself if I’m learning anything, I constantly worry that it isn’t working, but considering that I can actually make our teacher understand stuff, means that I am getting somewhere.

Our lessons over, we had to head for town to pay our car insurance. A thing we get to do again in a couple of weeks for the friggin’ Opel. *Sigh* Did get to chat with our insurance agent, who’s always friendly and takes care of everything rather beautifully. She’s not looking so well lately, though. A tad pale, so I think she’s not getting out enough.

Headed back home, arriving there just after three for me to eat that obligatory bit of meat. Yes, I choked one down again (Good Sammie) which I celebrated with a much needed nap. Now, if only I had crawled under a blanket, because I only dosed until I thought of it and thus only slept deeply for about fifteen minutes. *sigh*

No matter, though. While big brother made supper (spinach with cheese on macaroni) for us, I made some for tenant who still isn’t willing to eat normal meals but insists on mashes. She finds chewable stuff to be too tiresome, for some reason. Regretfully, she doesn’t realize that that won’t get any better until she trains herself a little.

Sally had a doctor’s visit this morning where she was told, once again, to move more, and to wash herself more frequently. Hygiene is a problem for her, in particular now, when she finds any movement too much effort. This was, of course, before we got ordered back to hospital.

I was just starting on my blog when the call came. In fact, while I write this, it is almost midnight, and it doesn’t look like things are going to go any faster any time soon, darn it.
Ah well, I’m gonna see if I can post this just as soon as I arrive home. Gawd, I do hope we’ll get to bed at a decent time after getting Sally settled for the night.

I made it home after all. Hah.

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