
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

4 in one

Song of the day: “Coconut” by Larry Nilsson. Awesome song, right.

Now how on earth am I going to get four friggin’ days into a single blog, for crying out loud. I’m just going to have to hit the highlights and leave it at that, what do you think?

Well, like I mentioned the last time, there was the whole tie dye session. Yep. Treated about fifteen items of clothing, which improved on our slowly dwindling selection somewhat at least. Had some really nice specimens this time round…and I ended up seriously sunburned for my efforts. Added to that we spent at least an hour in the yard, taking out a field of broccoli because disaster struck the evening before.

Did I mention that before, or did I forget? Well, whatever the case, the tap of the basin didn’t close, meaning we lost our entire supply during the night. Aaaaargh. You should have heard big brother swear a blue streak. I didn’t know what was wrong, of course, so I pretty much ignored it until he came up to tell me. I did my own swearing then. Hah. But anyway, due to that we headed out into the yard the next morning to yank out anything that was excess in the garden. Got a nice big batch of broccoli plants that we’ve steadily been mixing through the dog food ever since.

Also, since the whole thing with the pie for middle sister’s birthday went wrong (I’d given it to mom to give it to her, only to have the dogs eat it, grrr) I decided to make her a top. I’d planned one for her, but when she came up I of course let her look through the lot to pick one herself…I found it tremendously funny that she picked the one I’d done with her in mind. Another one I gave to little sister, there was this tiny little hole in the side that made it impossible for me to sell it. I think she liked it, so it was an excellent solution.

There was a session of making patties, which took me a couple of hours. Again the three basic flavors, beans, chickpeas and lentils. Had about ninety of them, which explains for the time, doesn’t it? Got the packing down pat now, though. Works too, since those of last week unwrapped perfectly when I used them for supper the other day.
Though I made a small error salt-wise they didn’t do bad at the market this Sunday. Sold ten patties again, paying for the expenses, and had several requests for my sauces. Am going to have to think of something for that. This was the first time that I only took a little along, and yet there were three or four people who wanted the sauce with the patties.

Sent Saving Nina out queries to a couple of publishers. We needed a break from the editing before we start on the last round, so we decided to start on a last round of sending it out. Gawd, sometimes I think about what it would be like, to have a publisher, or whatever, interested for real and then being able to resume working on the series, because let’s face it, not only are the four wips just begging for attention, there are two more stories in the series somewhere in the back burner of my mind demanding for a voice. *sigh* If only, if only.
Sent out another package this very morning. Can’t know what the answer will be until you ask, so you have to ask.

Bad thing that happened was that Ollie, tenant’s dog somehow ended up outside when I got there with my dogs, and he got grabbed pretty bad. The disadvantage of him being tiny and my big ones, Knight, Sitabah and pesky little Dax is that whenever I got one off, the others would pounce enthusiastically. Ended up with Knight held by the scruff of his neck, Sitabah kicked aside with the flat of my foot, and Cousin Ed scooping Ollie up before they ripped him apart. Phew. Stuff like that gets your adrenaline flowing for sure. Luckily he didn’t have any major holes or tears, so all is relatively well.
Didn’t need to do the Saturday market this week, and considering Cousin Ed and big brother loaded the car for Sunday while I was making the patties, was able to focus properly on my task of the evening.

Sunday market day started a little on the late side for us. Not because we got up late, or anything, nope, it was because the preparation of the taster patties took longer than expected. Luckily we’ve got the unloading down pat these days, meaning we were set up proper at 11. Had quite a bit of takers for the taster patties, chatted with folks, but didn’t have time to write because in the middle of the day we got a call from home telling us that Sally had a massive infection on her leg and that big brother was driving her to the hospital. That meant that Cousin Ed had to leave to help her out at the ER while big brother joined me, and later helped me pack up for the day…I burnt even more skin there, seeing as I was wearing a sleeveless, and stood in the full sunshine most of the day. It was wonderful. There was a cool breeze from the sea, so my day was swell.

Luckily, Sally didn’t need to be admitted. Instead they did tests, took photos and allowed her to go home at the end of the day…more or less by the time big brother and I went home and started unloading. Since big brother offered to do the cooking, I was able to take a couple of minutes in my room to put up my feet. That was so nice. Seriously, the blood was pounding for several minutes, and then slowly subsided. Such a relief that.

Four nights in a row now, I have not slept enough, nor well, in the case of Saturday onto Sunday. Hardly slept a wink that night, in fact, which didn’t do me well by the time we got back. Was friggin’ ass tired at the end of the day.

Grandpa finished grouting the pool, and filled it up yesterday. Now if only the mornings start being a little less nippy, I might actually get around to taking a dip, for crying out loud. It would be so nice to wake up like that again.

There were the normal chores of course. Laundry, cleaning, feeding the dogs. Nothing all that fascinating, as you know. Heck, at the moment I can’t even complain about edits, since we’re not doing one at the moment. Don’t you just hate that limbo time between two edits. They pass way slow.

Cooking was all about rice and red beets today. Worked out well too. I love beets baked in cheese. It’s the best way to eat the darn things.

Practiced a little with tenant. Not much, though, considering she is complaining about exhaustion. Lots of folks don’t seem to understand that doing less only makes things worse. If you chip away at your abilities bit by bit for long periods of time, you’re going to end up with less ability. That is fact.

Had to take Sonia to the vet again. She’s doing poorly. She’s bloaty, losing gas, and is once again constantly going through her hind legs. The vet is not entirely sure about the cause. At least not without a battery of tests. Instead she suggested an anti inflammatory, which seems to do it’s thing a little tonight. Pool Sonia.

Then tonight when we got back from a small donation, we unloaded, at which point big brother closed the door and had Dax scream at the top of hi lungs. Poor darling. Once again he lost a small strip of his ear. *sigh*

Gawd, I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. Looks like my bad four days caught up with me.
And here I had wanted do some Spanish tonight. Grrr. Gotta go.

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