
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Not again

Song of the day: “One way or another” by Blondie. I blame one of my chat buddies on the for a who posted it. Darn it. Luckily the song isn’t half bad. Hah.

Yesterday was a busy one. Since I was going stir crazy with the knowledge that we haven’t made any decent progress in the kitchen these past few weeks, I decided to skip one morning editing session and start on the kitchen ASAP. Of course that meant that I could start around one in the afternoon, because first there were loads of other things to do.

First there were the normal chores that seemed to be taking forever. Then grandpa asked me to check out our paint supply so we could see if there was a paint that I want for my kitchen windows. There wasn’t of course. So for the next half hour I mixed colors until I got the one that matches the window frame we’ve got in already. I think it will look good…the color, that is. Very warm and intense. Good contrast. Am happy that I managed to match it so well, because otherwise grandpa would have insisted on sanding and priming those frames too, just so it’ll look perfect. Very sweet, but he’s working his ass off for my kitchen.

That done, and with Cousin Ed seeing to visiting Sally at the hospital, I fetched tenant from her place and brought her down to keep me company while I started on tiling my kitchen. First I had to clean out the place, of course. There were like three inches of leaves on the floor, due to a particularly violent wind storm during the night.

Got most of the vertical surfaces that will disappear behind the cupboards covered up. I’m playing it smart this time round and will tile everything so that I can keep it all properly clean. Sure, it’ll be a mosaic of different whites, but it’ll be clean for sure. Hah.

Next, big brother and I left for the veggie distribution center to get left over veggies for the dogs. It took some time to sort through the lot, and then we needed to head for town for a donation, which took forever too, but we did get home in time to eat my patties like genuine burgers. They were good, I tell ya. Very tasteful, not to mention filling. I had made two and a half for me but only managed one and a half before I was seriously stuffed.

We did finish putting together the five paragraph synopsis yesterday, along with a query letter, a bio and the first ten or so pages of the book, so we sent that off, at last. Yay. Keep your fingers crossed folks.

Was late getting to bed, of course. Nothing new there. *sigh* And couldn’t pry my eyes open until my alarm had been ringing for at least fifteen minutes. Had to rush through the morning chores because of that, and then, asap, got to work on the last edit of C.H…you remember, right? The book that I was asked to revise a little before sending it back? Well, we’re getting there. Managed to get 20 pages done this morning, and then another ten this evening, so we’re well underway. Would be fun if we could get that done so I can start again on E.D. Or maybe on “Gun” which has some wonderful aspects that I would love to explore. I mean, seriously, there is something awesome about writing assassin stories. Ah well, we’ll see how it goes.

In the mean time, I found a rather nasty, not to mention big lump on Knight II’s chest, darn it. It’s about the size of a hamburger and really hard. That means another trip to the vet.

Edit done, it was time to head on up and start loading the Land Rover for tomorrow’s market. It took some time, but I think we got it all. By the time we were done, Cousin Ed came home with the news that the doctors are calling Sally’s condition rather delicate and that it will be a 50/50 thing to see whether she recovers from this latest problem. A bit depressing that.

Big brother and I headed for the vet next. Had the appointment to have his operation wound checked one last time, and I had her look at the swelling immediately as well. She’s not saying cancer yet, in particular since just a few weeks ago there was nothing there, but she can’t be sure. Instead I’m going to put him on an anti-inflammatory for the next three to four days. If that makes it disappear, I for one will be happy about it. I am not going to put the poor darling through another operation. Not again.

By the time we got back it was time to make supper, today consistent of satay on macaroni with baked cauliflower on the side. It went down splendid. Finished with another bit of the edit around ten thirty, and then got totally distracted on the for a, only to end up writing my blog late. *sigh*

Okay, gotta go. Have to get up again in less than seven hours.

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