
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

An Average Day.

This is definitely not an auspicious first day for a Blog. For some reason today the Internet connection is on the fritz again, making this post a miracle, should it get posted at all… well, if you’re reading this, it will be, but rest assured it took tenacity and perseverance on my part.

I am not entirely sure what to do on a Blog so it shall be a road of discovery for me as well as any reader to find out if I make any sense at all.

Possibly, I could start the old fashioned way… where I was born, how I grew up and all that, but I figure we’ll start in the now and see how it goes from there.
There is always time for quick trips down memory lane, I’m thinking. No need to hurry with maudlin, as I have no doubt I’ll do once I get started.
I’ve got all the time in world… or at least, I hope I do.

What to write? Perhaps something about me?
Hmmm. I’m dog nut, which I should be considering my family and I have adopted more than ninety of them. I write books practically every single day, slaving away at the keys of this very computer… it makes one wonder why I bother doing this Blog thing, doesn’t it? It’s very much like making a hobby out of my work, which is really a twisted way to look at the entire thing, so I won’t.
I intend to have fun with this, daily events, dogs and the progress of my books, undoubtedly, ‘cause I can never shut up about them, hah.

So we’ll start with today. It’s as good a place to start as any, I guess, so let’s see where it gets us.

What happened today…? Hmmm. Remarkably little, now that I think about it.
I got up, got dressed record time (it was so very chilly) and moved the dogs and myself to the main house.
A funny picture to those who’ve never seen it, I’m thinking. Perhaps a description would do well here?

Imagine this; all is quiet upon the mountain until about five minutes before my alarm goes of, my pack of eleven –or was it twelve? I swear I’m leaking brain matter every day– starts to stir.

Trin Trin, the monster Boxer, is the first to announce that I need to drag my butt out of bed and let her out of the cabin.
Next comes Knigth II, my Great Dane, who will, if I don’t hurry up, literally attempt (and sometimes succeed) dragging the mattress off the bed frame at least halfway.
I assure you that my rising is hasty and well timed as I throw Trin Trin out into the small garden in the back and then squeeze my way through the barking others as I head towards the front.

Pandemonium breaks out momentarily as the dogs are freed from the confines of the night. Eager bouncing bodies storming out into the sunlight and heading straight up the mountain to see if there’s any unfortunate visitor they can bother by the fences.

But, be that as it may, they quiet down fast, heading straight back into the cabin while I get ready to face the day with a lot of grumbling. I am most certainly not a morning person, and the dogs do love bearing the brunt of that.

I go down to the main house, keeping Trin Trin –she has a nasty tendency of pouncing on the main house dogs upon entering– on the leash while I desperately try to hang on to my overly burdened computer bag.

Next comes checking the laundry. Nope, the night was too chilly for proper drying so that chore at least I will be spared of for the day. A quick breakfast of some slices of French bread with either peanut butter and honey, or cheese with apple syrup, was rapidly over, at which time the coffee had brewed for a much-needed dose of caffeine.

Some organizing follows, setting aside anything that has been missed by the sibs during the evening’s clean-up, before I set up my laptop at the kitchen table and light up that first morning cigarette. While I thoroughly enjoy my nicotine intake, the dogs settle around me for some serious snoozing.
While I emerge myself into cyber world, responding to messages and the likes before diving head first in the latest case of my W.I. Investigations, slowly the rest of the family comes from their quarters, bringing the pack of ninety… and something to a semi-harmonious whole, right there in the main part of the house.

There’s noise everywhere, rutting dogs mixing with the one ear headphone that spouts the Itunes library into my brain, while CNN fills in any gaps silence might have dared to insert at any time.
Chaos! Complete and utter chaos. I do very well with it, even though it annoys me to separate my attention between family members asking about the day’s plans, dogs vying for a pat on the head (or twenty pats), and the occasional news bulletin that grabs my attention.
Talk about madness… well, that’s a different topic for a different day, I suppose.

Four pages of suspect interrogations, intrigue and a healthy amount of male charm –and five cigarettes– later, along with some research concerning a web-design project I’m involved with, I decide to check out Blogspot, and find that it is simply too easy to sign in not to dare the plunge.
It takes about half an hour until I decide that I’ve done enough –wouldn’t want to get carried away on the first day… second sure, but first?… on it for one day, and shut down the computer in favor of bothering little brother who has (thankfully) decided to take the chore of cooking today’s meal in his able hands.

By the time dinner is over, the dogs are fed, some mild grooming of the various long-haired canines dealt with, big brother and I start on our daily studying session about the “marvelous” world of HTML.

It is amazing how one can study all the commands, symbols and markings over and over again, for hours on end; type them in exactly as instructed and see the result in… ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Hah! This particular skill is definitely going to demand some serious time from the both of us. After several attempts of creating different columns I decide to call it a day, and shut down the computer once again.

The last few hours of the evening are spent talking, grousing about the chilly weather, and watching some TV while the dogs play living-carpet on the variety of blankets that have been placed over the tiles for their comfort.

After midnight comes the fun part. Time to go up to my cabin and battle the forces of nature as I climb up the mountain with the majority of my dogs bouncing around me, gleefully cutting me off at every step.
Like every evening when we go through this, they struggle in front of the door, each and everyone wanting first passage, as I try to get the blocked door open and roll my eyes at their eagerness.

A bit of reading follows… an avid reader like myself really can’t survive without at least a full chapter, or more, on any given day, so at long last, somewhere around 2 AM I settle on the bed with the laptop propped up before me once again. More messages have arrived so I answer them, the way I so much love to do. My poor pen palls, they do so often bear the brunt of my overeager fingers on the keys.

Which brings us to now: Almost four in the morning, just an hour or two –depending on how long this posting thing is going to take– before bedtime and blissful sleep.

This concludes an average day for me in Samaya’s world. It is crazy, it is chaotic, but it is mine and I’m in good company at least.

1 comment:

Amy Lane said...

Welcome to Blogging, Samaya--I think you'll like it here...

some folks you might want to say 'hi' to--

And, of course, me! Just click on my name after I post and you'll have an insta-pass to my profile!