
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Pondering about the day,

It was a rather bland day, I'll admit. The hours behind the computer, writing another page or so for the latest W.I. Investigations, flew by, making me wonder where they went.
It happens to me more and more these days, time disappearing on me, and not giving even a clue as to where it's hiding. It is a most annoying trait of time; never being able to catch it, and it always running straight ahead with no interest whatsoever if one can keep up or not.
I often think that there is nothing this world that is quite as elusive.

I'm in a strange mood tonight. A certain feeling of discontent lingers without a proper explanation. It is a sensation which can very well make me downright grumpy on any day, but right now it confuses me more than anything.
I can't explain why the feeling is there. Like so many emotions and feelings it is very hard to pin down, leaving me frustrated also... not the best of moods to write a blog, I suppose, but no matter, this is a pondering session nonetheless.

Since my mind appears to want to explore the contents of fleeting sensations, I might as well dive in and see where it leads.

There is an atmosphere of numbness all around, like a dampening field that seems to keep my world in a temporary limbo that I can't appreciate at all. Stillness, lack of perpetual motion makes me edgy.
I sometimes have this same feeling of disquiet when something is about to happen, so I suppose that in the days that are to follow I'll see if this particular feeling was even remotely accurate.

Like my mood the air outside is cloudy, a mist of rain floating down to the earth as a thick mist settles around my cabin. Perhaps this explains some of the numbness that I feel pushing against me from all sides. Something to do with changing atmospheric influences that make my ears pop every thirty minutes or so. No matter the logical reasons that might explain it, it demands more attention than I really like to give it.

Such feelings are too demanding in my estimation. They take the mind into tangents where I have no wish to go, forcing themselves on me with an intensity that is almost daunting.

Sounds travel strangely when there is a mist like now, I know, but this seems to be more than just that. Even the dogs sense that something is off. They are quieter than usual, their sleep occasionally interrupted by some indiscernible disruption, making them raise their heads and look around wearily.

The weather reports have shown an unusual air stream, coming in from the North, creating a rather extraordinary large area in central Europe where thunderstorms are expected to start at any moment.

But enough about the weather, what did the day contain?

Well, after the usual 4-6 hours session behind the computer, it was time to make dinner.
It was a new concoction that is bound to end up in the recipe book, I'm sure, since most of the family went back for seconds.
I do love scrounge cooking from time to time, and looking for ingredients is always the first indication of something new being on the menu.
It was a hardy meal, excellent for winter weather, allowing for nutritious elements as well as a teaser for the taste buds.

The hardest thing about cooking is most certainly coming up with a proper name for the meal afterwards.

Technically speaking it was simple. Baking raw potatoes and carrots in a curry spice mix with coconut shavings and yogurt until they were nice and soft.
Added to it was an eclectic collection of messily chopped onion, garlic, green beans, corn, peas, green peppers, a dash of brown sugar, salt, pepper, some apricot jam... and then just letting it all stew until it was a wonderfully lumpy concoction that served very well with a large spoon of cottage cheese on top.
Healthy, filling and tasteful, it is all I really require of a meal on any day, but
I do LOVE it when a new recipe works!

What was next?
Balah -one of our many Golden Retrievers- who is getting on in age and shows it in rapidly becoming blind and slow in his every action, needed a serious trim. Though he loves the attention, trimming is not his favorite pass-time at all. A bribe of cookies afterwards was much appreciated by the old fella, who walked away a lot lighter than he had been before.

After this particular activity, I vegetated in front of the TV for a bit, just because I couldn't muster up the energy to get up and actually do something.
The latest Prison Break season started up again last Monday, so now it was time to catch up on Linc and Michael's escape from the dreaded Sona prison.
I'll admit to a few moments of confusion throughout the episode. It has been more than year since I saw the last episode, so for the time being it will all be about catching up on what was and is happening now, before actual enjoyment of the story and characters return -depending on how the story goes, naturally.

Though, like I said in the beginning of this post, time goes by so very fast, it is in retrospect only. When I do not have a pressing chore, plan, or project waiting, the hours can seem infinitely long, making me feel somewhat relieved when midnight arrived and with it the end of the day.

It was my full intention to start up my computer and catch the latest news on the web, when I found myself momentarily distracted by the mess in my cabin.
Some serious scrubbing of the bathroom ensued... of late I've been so busy that I hadn't even noticed the thick layers of dust everywhere, so by the time I did settle down with the trusted laptop, it was close to 2 AM once more.

Ah well, as elusive as it might be, time does continue on, bringing a new day on which one can start all over again in hopes of a better mood.

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