
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First attempt at a blog.

Well, hello there, reader.

Opening this blog wasn't as hard as I figured. Whenever I try something new on the Web I am anxious about all the little things I'll have to get a hang of. Take Myspace for instance: It took me a full month just to figure out how everything was done, and I'm still learning.
But, like most of these endeavors, the site has anticipated my needs and makes this thing a possibility for me.
There are lots of aids available that made it easy for a computer illiterate like myself, allowing for mistakes that, as it will undoubtedly turn out, can be corrected within little time.
Everything looks pretty understandable, easy access and such. As for the blogging itself... We'll have to wait and see how it goes.

It is my intention to start to keep a journal of sorts on this blogger thingy. It is a rather daunting concept for sure, but also an interesting challenge that makes me curious as to how it all is going to turn out. Will there be readers, will I manage to keep up posting without feeling overwhelmed by the sheer idea of having to come up with something remotely interesting every day.

As time goes by I'm sure there will be lots of TMI in the posts, personal opinions about movies, books and what not, along with rantings about world politics, media reports, daily life and such until there seems to be an overflow of info... but that's the fun of it, I suppose. Different tangents to explore and seeing where it all ends up.

I'll keep you posted... I hope.

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