
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Edit, eDit, edIt or ediT!!!! Insanity.

I feel a little brain-dead after spending more than eight hours of working with the computer and filling in papers, so I’m hoping that I can keep this short and turn in early today.

I am right on the dot when the alarm shrills this morning. Strange dreams visited this night. Snakes, long and short everywhere, they made walking around the house and garden a hazardous endeavor, to say the least, and make me itchy when I wake up. Hah.

Little more than thirty minutes later I walk towards the house in bright spring-like sunlight that actually makes me smile. It feels as if the new season has started, though I don’t think that it officially has, and that there might be a storm or two waiting in the next few weeks.

Either way, it is lovely outside and I’m actually sorry that a long day behind the computer monitor is lying in wait for me. Laundry is first though, and I revel in it with the scent of “green” (I don’t know what kind of smell green is, but it’s the only description I can think of at the moment) drifting under the roof, and the slashes of sun that warm me as I take down the dry fabrics and hang the wet.

Yadzia is still limping, and I can’t figure out why. He’s also dreadfully unstable on his feet and that worries me a bit. I think I’m going to see if breaking the dose in half works better. They’re a new kind, so maybe the vet has prescribed a wrong dose because of it.

He also appears to have an aversion to sleeping for some reason, and will sit beside me for hours on end, putting his head on my leg, and then nodding off, only to jerk to attention and put his head back in place. Sad really, as if he’s afraid of something.

After giving Yadzia his breakfast, and having some myself, I chat with big brother and grandpa while we set up the computers and prepare for a day of editing. We set to it for several hours until the sibs are down and have gone through their own morning rituals.

We all sit down to discuss plans that need to be made. The passport renewal that’s coming up (such a hassle, all those documents to go through), maintenance chores for the house, the garden, the car and all those little things that need to be done in the next few months.

The younger sibs look somewhat troubled, but they do realize that a lot needs to be done and that we’re all going to have pitch in to make it all work smoothly and in a timely fashion.

Lots of plans that feel daunting, by any means…but also exciting in a strange way that makes me alternate between wanting to scream and wanting to crawl into a corner. Strange how that works. Still, I think it is more than just a little sweet that the sisters offer to organize my book files for me, and convert papers to computer files to boot. That is going to spare me so much work and time...that I really should be using for more important things.

Dusk is already nearing by the time we finally get everyone’s paperwork down right, and by then I feel so bloody brain bruised that I decide to put the computer aside for a bit, so I can prepare dinner and eat it during a fun episode of “Medium”.

Afterwards I lounge for a few minutes and then get back to editing, which brings the mind to the present state of deadness. Hah.

A boring Blog for sure. Sorry ‘bout that. I’ll try to do better in the future.

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