
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quick flyby.

I really have very little to write about again today, which is a good thing since I’m running way behind and won’t have a chance to dig into this recount even if I wanted to.
It’s not as if nothing happened today, ‘cause it did, it’s just that it really isn’t very interesting to write. It all boils down to the very basics in the end.

I got up reasonably in time, did laundry and the usual chores, was involved in a fierce discussion for what seems to be hours, and then just about when I wanted to start editing, my time was up and I needed to head to town.

Big brother and I waited at our school for half an hour to talk with our teacher and set an appointment for next week to start on the practical part of our “education”. Of course I forgot to take the exam questions with me, so I’ll have to think of those when we do those.

A multitude of shops were visited as we searched for the variety of office supplies we need, and only found half…in the last store, of course.
Then, when we got home after nine in the evening, I made pizza for dinner, after which the evening was pretty much done ‘cause we had to check all the papers for mom, little brother and middle sister, which they’ll need to take with them tomorrow, during their trip to the embassy.
Bureaucracy, it drives me insane!

Since I’ll have to get up two hours before my usual waking time–at least two people need to be up with the dogs when three people are gone–I really have to get to bed in time tonight. All things considered it really is a blessing that I don’t have much to say today.

Better luck tomorrow.

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