
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

There it goes...blasted wall!

Song of the day: “Sisters of Mercy” by Leonard Cohen. I know, how depressing is that? But he does sing some good songs.

Considering I am running way behind, I am going to try to kept things a little short, because I’ve got a book to edit still, messages to catch up on and well, I would like to get some sleep since tomorrow appears to be a working day after all. Aaaargh.

First off, I’m going to start with the disaster: Yesterday if rained all day. And around four in the afternoon, just when I was about warmed up from the morning’s chores in the carport and tenant’s kitchen (we put in the new ceiling) grandpa came to warn that we had to go down to the basin because it was almost full. We needed to plug the tubing, lest it would start to overflow into the small section in front of the greenhouse.

When we came there, ready to plug the tubing, it became clear that the wall was slowly expanding outward. Obviously we waited too long finishing the wall (meaning adding the one foot thick natural rock part of it) because where there was first and inward slant, it is now going outward. I never realized solid concrete could bend like that, but there you have it. Hah. But anyway, water was spewing all over the place and while big brother, grandpa and our friend Dani were running around throwing in big hoses to start draining, gradually the water evened out until the entire water amount was evenly spaced…including into the greenhouse. *sigh*

This means that the massive concrete wall I wrote about and posted pictures of at some point this summer, needs to be redone. Grrrr. Pesky rain. This time we’ll be sure to work with our usual tendency for overkill again. Darn it.

Not so nice is that the guest quarters had a floor of water as well, so that means as soon as stuff becomes dry a little, we’re going to have to take everything out and hang it out to dry in the sun, or something. Preferably before Wednesday. If worst comes to worst, tenant’s caregiver has offered to spend the night on a cod in tenant’s bungalow, so that her “apartment” will be available for tenant.

Dog-wise, my Touri (black cocker Spaniel) is feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. Poor dog has a swelling on his bum and though I have already attempted to drain it, the thing is persisting. Didn’t get all that much sleep last night because he was just too uncomfortable. I ended up giving him a piece of anti-inflammatory, at which point he calmed down a little. Hopefully tonight he’ll feel better.

After yesterday’s rains, a harsh, freezing Northern wind picked up during the night, clearing the sky of all clouds, which I was immensely grateful for, I assure you. Most of yesterday’s clothes got hung out to dry during the day, and I took tenant away from her gas stove and deposited her on my terrace. Nothing warms her up the way the sun does, no matter how hot we make her bungalow. She enjoyed the sunshine while reading on my porch all day, and it was good to see her so happy there.

Like yesterday, we painted the imperial again. We want to make sure that it won’t start to rust so the paint has to keep really well. We also spent most of the afternoon pouring concrete in front of grandpa and tenant’s places, since there was some leakage there as well.
Next, we added new supports in front of her door and put up a transparent roof that will let light through and yet keep her, caregiver and grandpa dry.
It looks good, bigger somehow.

While we were working, the dogs really enjoyed the sunshine too. You should have seen them (I know, I should have taken pictures, but I forgot) but they were all clustered (about twenty of them) on the wide threshold concrete of the gate where the sun shone through the eucalypti. It really was absolutely beautiful. Black, white and brown fur gleaning in the bright light, green trees swaying in a orchestra of whispering leaves; their shadows dappling the yellowish soil.

Well, enough about that. Editing wise we’re still going at it…and I should get to it right now. I’ve written more than enough about the past couple of days.

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