
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Groceries and writing

Song of the day: “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson. Not surprisingly that I have this in my head, eh, considering.

Okay, let’s do it the other way around this time and start backwards.

I just finished todays’ writing session which included another three pages to a project that officially can have another 4,500 words, but no more...well, there are 5000 more but I want to keep those for edits, giving me some additional space. Tonight’s was a fun scene to write, in particular because it was about and argument between two somewhat heated people. Hah.

Before that, (I was starving) there was a quick cooking session involving veggie burgers that went perfectly on sesame buns with cheese, tomato and lettuce. Seriously. Snack food the healthy way is delicious. It took me about fifteen minutes to prepare, but I survived the ordeal hah.

The starving part started around six, when we got home from grocery shopping (I know, aaaargh!) and little sister and I were in the kitchen unloading the endless string of bags that brothers and middle sister kept hauling inside from the overfull car. Jeez, I’m surprised every time that we managed it. Oh, I did find tenant a proper watch this time. Yay.

Groceries were...well, yeah, groceries. Going in and out of stores, loading, unloading, and then some more from one in the afternoon ‘till six, with lots of walking, lots of carrying and sorting through stuff that in the end go to three different households and need to be separated for ten people and 70 something dogs.

But first, prior to groceries, there was the fun bit. Big brother and I went into the yard! Yay. There was some watering to be done, and of course veggies to pluck while big brother set up the drip tubes for the day. Everything was looking good, so we were done well in time before departure.

As every day, the first chore up is always laundry. Considering I was up early (woke about three minutes before the alarm went off, hah) I didn’t even need to rush through the morning rituals to get it all done, and actually had a nice dip in the pool as well. *sigh*

Of course, last night I was late going to bed. Since I was a tad down from getting a “no thanks” from a publisher who I’d sent the experimental “DITGW” novella, I decided some relaxation was in order and watched X-Men: First Class. I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t dislike it at all. Hah.

Before that there was more writing, of course. Though it didn’t go at all as well as it did today, where the words just came tumbling out. Deadlines always do me good, for some reason. My mind picks up the pace a bit, I guess.

The writing was a nice change too, since the late afternoon was spent pouring concrete up by the drive sweep where we laid the second half of the path with a three feet wide, three inch thick concrete slab. It looks rather good, even though I was the one who laid it. Big brother was going to, but Sally’s toilet broke, so he had to put in a new mechanism before the night started.

He also finished the watering, which I had already started before going up to take his place. I was just in the middle of it, when grandpa called to let me know that I had to turn off the water because they needed pressure up by the road. Since I had harvested tomatoes already, that wasn’t too bad. I had gotten a wonderful time in the yard from it.

More writing was there, following a very early supper that was downright yummy. I love spaghetti al dente with tomato veggie sauce. Added Nopales to it too (prickly pear cactus pads) so it was a wonderfully successful experiment once more.

Yesterday morning was spent digging the gutter for concrete pouring at the drive sweep. It was friggin’ hot in the full sun, but the gentle breeze from the sea made it more than bearable. Actually liked working with the jackhammer and pick ax, if for no other reason than to exercise the muscles. Hah.

There was breakfast and more laundry, but with that we have reached the beginning of the past couple of days, and the end of todays blog. Yay. I’m hitting the sheets, thank you very much!

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