
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

More excesses to can

Song of the day: “Que sera sera (what will be will be) by Doris Day. What can I say, the oldies just sometimes come to haunt me.

Yesterday was totally awesome canning thirty pots of tomatoes, pumpkins, green beans, peppers and zucchinis...ehm, yeah...not thirty of each! But all together thirty, duh...for the winter. Sure it took ages, started around noon and didn’t finish until after eight in the evening, but what the hey. It got done, and several of the concoctions are once again experiments. I kinda liked them all, seeing as I made concentrated soups of them. I am definitely keeping several as recipes for the book later on. The way I figure, this winter I’ll pick a pot or two (whichever I’m in the mood for) toss it in a pan and add water until we have a full meal. Easy as pie, as they say. Hah.

Was thoroughly exhausted afterwards, however, and it took me a dip in the pool, supper and some staring-blindly-ahead for several minutes per hour before I recovered enough to start on the day’s writing session. Of course by that time was also thoroughly distracted by the whole debacle going on in Norway. Seriously, that is some far-out shaite, especially in this so called realistic world. *sigh* And here they say that movies are unrealistic when some villain starts on a killing spree. I can’t help but wonder what this fella thought to achieve with his actions. I mean, really, no one’s going to think much of his “message” now that he’s killed dozens of teenagers. I mean, I somehow get his his frustration (read a draft of his manifesto), in a weird way anyway, but this...

Totally book material...though if I had written it, I would have made him smarter. Personally I think, his message, if he had one, would have been far more credible if he had walked into parliament and started mowing down the politicians he blamed for modern day society’s problems. But a youth camp? Not smart! Not smart at all. They’ll dismiss him as a lunatic, and then what? He spends life in prison, foaming at the mouth about stuff he can’t ever possibly change anymore? Ah well, let’s just call the whole thing scary and leave it at that.

Okay, what else. I wrote about two pages last night, despite my distraction and my tiredness. The story is really rapidly developing now, and I really, really have to wrap it up now. I can add another eight thousand words, but that’s it. I need the remaining five for the edit, so that I can at least add extra necessities throughout the story, rather than first having to remove a few thousand words to make room.

So yeah, another trip to the garage is going to be necessary. The cooling liquid is still disappearing, so something is wrong. Aaaargh! So frustrating. Why can’t the friggin’ car just work fine for another year, or so?

Tick season (the tiny black ones) is in full swing, apparently. The little buggers are everywhere, sucking the poor dogs dry, and driving me bonkers because I can’t work on my computer without wasting at least a full hour picking ticks off of them, darn it. There are a few that are really considered a delicacy by the buggers.

This morning, seeing as caregiver was once again at her other job (for six hours this time) I spent a lot of time with tenant. First I helped her change, after which she waited in the kitchen for a bit while I prepared lentils/chickpeas patties for lunch. Then we walked down to my terrace where she sat reading in the shade while grandpa and I worked on sanding the boards of my future living room floor. They’re going to be beautiful, thank you very much, and it was a nice occupation early in the day.

Afterwards tenant and I both took a dip in the pool, and then headed on down to the basin terrace where we started on supper. The patties worked out just fine, and the vegetable mix to go with them...yummy. Seriously, is there anything healthier than fresh veggies in a cream-tomato sauce?

Well, I would like to do a bit of writing still, before the day is through, and after that...well, I just might hit the sack early today. Seriously, I’ve been getting way too little sleep again this week. *sigh*

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