
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Drat...can't think of a title

Song of the day: “Black coffee” by All Saints. It’s been a while since I last heard this song, but then I found it the other night, and here we are: Stuck with it. Hah.

What to write? In all honesty my brain’s a blank again so I’m just going to take this one event after the other, not bothering with the proper sequence. Sorry.

First of all, I wasn’t in the best of moods today, so my activities were suitably lethargic by all accounts. I hate days like that, by the way. As if everything is dragging on for no particular reason. Ah well, it was not to be helped and I did get stuff done in the end.

So lemme think…
Had a workout yesterday morning…not this morning. I just couldn’t drag my lazy butt outta bed, and decided to sleep for those extra thirty minutes, rather than getting jiggy with it. What can I say, sometimes the lure of the pillow and warm blankets is just too much for a body to resist. Hah.

There were two ventures of unloading the car. First building materials, and the second sand. Both got done in due time, though there was an incident with glass fiber incident that turned out to be most unpleasant. Nothing serious, however, just, itchy on the most part.

Yesterday the weather was splendid, the actually was a warm breeze and the temps were in the low eighties, which was…well, splendid. Hah. There were moments that I could almost imagine myself being in summer again, and that…well, splendid too.
In particular during the gardening. Did a watering session for the young seedlings (divine, despite the basin water being downright chilly) and checked all the big cabbage plants for caterpillars. Killed at least thirty of the little buggers. Today, weather-wise, it was still sunny, but due to a southeastern wind, working in the greenhouse for a bit was absolutely wonderful too. Seriously, the mercury went up to at least the high eighties in there…which reminds me, I was late getting down there, so a few of my young seedling green beans might not have made it. Sure, they’re still standing up straight today, but some of their leaves are downright wrinkly.

But anyway, dog-wise, little has changed. Gada is loopy from the prednison she’s getting against the pain…I miss her real character (despite the fact that I haven’t seen that in a while now due to her hip problem) but at least she’s not suffering now. In fact, she is downright cheery as she runs after me most of the day…also her appetite is so big that she gained at least 10 pounds in the last two weeks. Not good that, not with her hips like this, but the way I figure, she might as well enjoy herself in what little time she has left. Which reminds me, she didn’t eat tonight. Darn it. I wonder if the pill is no longer enough. It was bound to happen but…well drat. I better check later tonight if she wants a snack.

I put together an old plastic doghouse. There was some damage in the corners, but it took me only a few hours to replace one section of a wall, put slats in the corners to make it sturdy, and to make rubber hinges. We should be able to use the darn thing for dog-blanket storage now. It will be water proof at the very least.

Tenant was downright ecstatic these last couple of days (heck make that two weeks), with the weather this splendid she has even managed without the stove and that is a definite plus for her. You should see her sit in her chair in the sunshine sometimes. That’s what you call enjoyment. Hah.
Can’t blame her either. In summer nothing quite competes with the warm sunshine.

As for food, I wasn’t entirely happy with yesterday’s experiment of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots with macaroni. Today’s veggie mix (our own canned tomatoes, green beans and peppers) some broccoli, nopales (cacti leaves) sweet corn, dried herbs from this summer, an onion and garlic, really went well with the chickpea/white bean Patties I made dough for this morning.

There was a venture to the igloo to store the metal rack I took apart the other day, along with the mobile toilet that used to be tenant’s a long time ago.
Did some sowing. Both Alfa Alfa and new chard. I’m not at all happy with the amounts we have from the ones I sowed several months ago, so I decided to do another row.

On an embarrassing note: I was complaining to big brother the other day, about how I noticed that so few people mind their posture these days (yes! Posture is important. Pull back those shoulders, raise that chin, no sense in slouching, for Gawd’s sake) and that it is such a pity. Posture says a lot about a person, and if your nurture it you’ll find improvement in mind and body both. *sigh* I know, I shouldn’t be preachy. Forget I said anything. But okay, I was complaining about it, and then found myself using what grandpa refers to as the “German handkerchief”. Which, in effect means that you hold one nostril shut and then blow…(I can hear you gasp)…I know! Very inelegant, but it is sooooo easy when you can’t find anything to blow your nose with, darn it. I’ll try to do better in the future, and to reassure you, I never do that sort of thing in public. Hah.

What else…well, big brother and I spent some time working on the solar panels, and I am proud to announce that the lot is working again, and that the box in which we installed the actual converter is working excellently as well. Next time the power goes off, we’ll have light at least. Yay.

Edits were somewhat different the past couple of days. Due to this being a suspense story, I have to get the facts right, so I've been busy doing a chapter by chapter, noting the amount of days, to make sure that they're consistent, and checking spots for information sharing. There're a lot of those, so I think it is going to take at least two more edits to get those right.
Well, that’s it for me today, I’m sure I missed something again, but what the heck, a blog’s a blog.

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