
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bureaucratic toils

Song of the day: “Swing on a star” by Bruce Willis and Danny...gawd, I never remember how you write his name. But anyway the dude from Hudson Hawk. Hah. Such a fun song.

I better get to this fast because it’s already past nine and I only have a few hours left to get some edits done. Right, yesterday…or at some point in the past couple of days, because let’s face it, to me they’re pretty much a mush of events.

Let’s see. We got a new load of sand, which we’ll have to unload tomorrow morning. Yay. It took a while, and afterward I took the Knight for a sturdy walk (should have jogged, but what the hey) which he will appreciate tonight when it’s time to eat. Hah.

There was sieving, lots of sieving, thank you very much. Piles and piles of dirt had to be processed which meant bending over the sieve until I thought I was going cross eyed. Hah. Gawd, you have no idea how much dirt gathers in dirt, and really, that is not a good thing for construction. Biological material rots, and when it rots it will crack cement and concrete in a month. Learned that the hard way during plaster work. Jeez.

Had to go to Malaga. Mom’s new driver’s license still didn’t arrive and the temporary one has expired, meaning we had to go to traffico which is where you have to go for anything that is about vehicles. *sigh*Since we had to be there anyway, big brother came along to disclaim his old moped for which he still had to pay taxes, despite the fact that the moped hasn’t run in three years. There were endless waiting cues, meaning that first we waited in line at information, then, once we’d received our number 241 (while the counter showed 196, thank you very much). Of course we arrived at break time, meaning more waiting, and when our turn finally came, we just snuck big brother in with us, rather than wait ‘till his turn was up (280, yikes). Once we were at the desk, the nice guy (there’s a change for you, usually these bureaucrats are crabby folk) helped us nice and fast. We were at the desk five minute tops and then out at the car again.
Then we spent another hour wandering through the industrial area of Malaga, searching for a store which sells sewing supplies. Failed to find the right one, but I did get this cute little hat from a Chinese store, hah. I kinda like it, even though it seems a man’s hat.

Tenant and caregiver were also out (at the same time) dealing with a doctor’s appointment and a check at a place for one of those invalid stickers in the car. If she’s lucky, she’ll get one ‘round next year, which is how long the procedure takes. How’s that for insanity?

There was a foray online, searching for bone information (gross subject, by the way). The possible WIP, just as soon as this edit is over, at the moment the plot involves a sick parent, but I am pondering a change where said parent was murdered instead. Ah well, we’ll see. It has possibilities for sure.

Dinner yesterday consisted of leftovers with bread, I did some small edits (on paper) but really was way too tired after being out most of the day and then digging, and sieving, and wheelbarrow-ing (uphill this time) for the remainder of the day. I was in bed before 1:40 in the morning, so that was definitely a plus.

We dug and used the jackhammer behind my cabin again, we really need to have that done some day soon…though the new bathroom is getting to be a priority fast. Hah. We took out at least eight small wheelbarrows of rock and dirt, which we hauled down the mountain as usual for filling.

Gardening, of course, along with a harvesting session of kale and broccoli.

Reading wise I am, at the moment immersed in the last Lyonesse story of Jack Vance. Madouc it’s called, and so far I’m enjoying it. I still can’t say that I understand his characters, but I do admit that they fit perfectly in the beautiful world he creates.

Chaos is as good as new, and making the usual nuisance of himself. Mom and little sister did have a rush trip to the vet yesterday. Purna, one of little sister’s cocker spaniels was breathing strangely, but after an examination, the vet was unable to say what the problem was. No cancer that she could detect, or any other more obvious problems, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

I can’t think of more, so this is it, I guess.

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