
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting the groove

Song of the day: …hmmm. I can’t actually remember. Maybe hell froze over and my head was finally empty…or I just forgot. Hah

Okay, my brain is already blanking, so I better get to this fast. What happened, what happened? I don’t know. I’m getting my diary, darn it.

Oh yes, how could I forget. It was a scorcher last night, so I woke multiple times during the night. I tossed and turned and by the time morning arrived I was seriously grumpy and had a pounding headache. Ended up soaking in the pool for a bit, cooling my brain and then I was at least civil. Hah

There were the usual morning chores, followed by the dog food, and then it was down to the basin terrace for the day’s work at the computer. First there was a carp load of dishes to do, however, including approximately fifteen pots that we were going to use for canning asap. Got them cleaned and put them on the fire for boiling prior to sitting down for breakfast and Spanish.
Didn’t do a whole lot of the latter, but something at least. It is not going entirely bad, just tedious. I have noticed so far that, as long as I don’t think about it too much, I can figure most sentences out.

Managed a nice amount of pages during the course of the afternoon, getting seriously involved in the scene before the end of writing time arrived. Had wanted to do the zucchinis during the course of the day, but didn’t get around to that. Good thing too, since tenant really wanted to help with that, and yesterday she couldn’t because she went out with mom for the majority of the day while little brother was out for his driver’s license. Thankfully he didn’t dislike it so much this time.

After writing, big brother headed into the yard so cousin Ed and I could cook supper. Made ratatouille with pasta, which went down well on a day where the temps were in the high nineties.
While cleaning up big brother and I got into a massive argument about the book, which wasn’t pretty, so we took some “separate” time to cool down. Me heading up for the pool, while he finished up in the greenhouse. It was better after, and could dismiss it as a massive misunderstanding. Must have been the heat. Seriously, when I got out of the pool, the heat hit me in the face while walking up the mountain.

Spent the remainder of the afternoon cutting dog veggies, and then heading on up to the old paddock and working on the small wagon, adding the last slats that would close it completely, which ‘ll make things easier for Ed at the market on Sunday.

That done, I spent another hour or so working on the computer (and chatting some online too, of course, hah) adding a page to the whole. Was a little late getting to bed, darn it, but the night was cooler, so I actually slept rather well during the night. Yay.

Which brings us to today. Not all that different, however, the chores, the dog food, killing ticks (which is driving me up the walls, literally. They’re going up the walls so so am I, aaaaargh!!) and writing some more. Did a solid piece again today, bringing the manuscript up to fifty pages (approx. 15,500 words, yay). Getting closer to the one fourth, thank you very much, so I'm finding the proverbial groove. (Cross my fingers, knock on wood.)
Of course the temps were high again (less hazy, though, which is good. Less humidity that way) so we had to head into the yard and give most of everything water. The dogs, who are now joining us at the basin terrace, are not at all appreciative of the heat either. About five of them have discovered Sally’s bathroom, and will be hiding in there most of the day, soaking up the coolness of the tile floor and walls. Hah. Poor Chaos. He really doesn’t like the heat at all, and will be soaking in the pool for a solid fifteen minutes in the morning.

What else, well, there was the stuffing our faces fast, before we had to go out for a donation again. It was a bit of a rush, but we did manage and get everything loaded and back home to finish . Only had a dip in the end of the day, after coming home, and it was wonderful. Cool for the first time in the whole day, splendid, marvelous and worthy of repetition soon. Hah.

But now, the end of the day is here, and I am more than ready to get horizontal and catch me some zzzz. I can hardly wait.

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