
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Somewhat disastrous

Song of the day: “The man who wouldn’t move” by Script. Catchy song, yet somewhat whiny. I don’t know why. It is not even that I dislike it…I do. It’s just…yeah, whiny.

So the last couple of days were absolutely disastrous from several points of view, but rather than scream, or cry, I decided to laugh and felt decidedly better.
Let’s start at the beginning, yesterday morning and take it from there, okay?

First off, I had gone to bed late, so I snuck in an extra fifteen minutes. It made all the difference too, and it was a good thing, in hindsight. Hah.

The morning was an hectic one, since the satellite guy (installer) was coming over. So we rushed through the morning rituals, did the laundry, fed the dogs, and then waited. He came an hour late, which is always a pain in the behind, and then kept big brother busy for the following four and a half hours, where everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

Luckily I could use the time properly and spent most of those hours in the carport, typing away at the computer and adding a solid eight pages to the book. Yes! That was definitely the highlight of my day. A good scene, despite it being rather dramatic and an emo-suck from here to eternity. I am definitely getting that this story is going to be totally about drama. It has been a while since I did drama, but so far I’ve been driven to tears about four times, so it appears to be going well. Hah. Had to stop at four thirty to head down into the yard to water the plants, of course.

The poor dogs spent most of the afternoon in the lower garden, which didn’t make them happy at all. Added to that, when I went down there, Sitabah (the little biatch) grabbed old Rammi’s paw and started dragging her along. Jeez. Stupid Weimaraner is a predator. Her attitude in life really is “survival of the fittest…and I’m fit!!!” just before she proves her point by attacking a weaker dog. *sigh* I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on her. Like today, during our short foray by the basin terrace, Rammi arrived and Sitabah pounced like some wrestlemania idiot, and jumped on Rammi with al four paws ramming into the poor rotweiler’s side.

Finally, while grandpa and I were still down there, the guy left, with the satellite working…sorta. I’m thinking he’s going to have to come back because I have been hearing nothing but complaints from the younger sibs so far. Ah well, so what else is new.

So yeah, I had to rush through the yard stuff, then jump in the pool, because despite it being a bit cloudy, I was sticky all over. First off we had to jump start the Opel, because mom and little sister had to go to the vet with Djoti (one of little sister’s older cocker spaniels). Then we wanted to visit the garage and ask about a few things that seem to be wrong with the Land Rover, and to ask about the Opel’s problems at the same time. That was a bust, because apparently it was a bank holiday, or something, so all we could do was head on over to the mall where we had to exchange the wrong new battery for the right one. Luckily that went without a hitch. The guy didn’t make a single problem and we were out of there within fifteen minutes.

We had to pick up a load, which took longer than expected, and when we did get home, while we were unloading, it was to hearing that Tridatu (thirteen year old mastiff/Labrador mix) was in a bad way and had a 105.3 fever. So we basically threw everything out of the car (the other didn’t have a new battery yet, ya know) loaded Tridatu up and rushed to the vet hospital.

Basically the vet couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but in the end we agreed on heatstroke, seeing as we could find nothing physical that was “off” by that he had a 106.34 fever by then. So we drenched him in cold water, and he was put on a drip with ions and such while he stayed for the night.

We were just on our way home when my phone went (we were actually just discussing that it was around time for Sally to be off at work) and yes, it was Sally, asking me if I could pick her up. So I dropped big brother off at the top of the property, and drove on to the village to do just that. *sigh*

By the time I got home, big brother was about to start putting in the new battery for the Opel, and I helped with that. Then it happened, we wanted to start up, and the alternator started to smoke. Seriously, by then I was so tired from the day I just laughed. We took the wires off the new battery, closed the hood and went down to watch the movie Lockout. Nothing was going to happen after 10 in the evening anyway.
Though the actor was nice, I didn’t like the movie all that much. A bit empty. Could have been way better, darn it…despite the humor being splendid. W
Tomorrow (today, of course) was soon enough to call the tow truck.

Went to bed late again…I don’t know why that is, I am really trying to hurry at going to bed on time, darn it, and yet I end up going to bed no sooner than two in the morning. I don’t suppose that’s helping my disposition any. Hah.

This morning was a bit of a rush job. There were the normal chores of course, followed by big brother and cousin Ed going up to deal with the Opel while I made dog food and fed the lot. They loved it again, what with some more cheeses and sausages mixed through it. Heck, even Knight II ate most of his portion.

There was so much to do that we left at least an hour later than planned, and didn’t arrive at the vet’s until twelve in the morning. Tridatu, she said, was fine. He ate, drank, the fever was down and we could take him home. He basically ran out the door to the car, so we brought him home and then headed to town to the garage. It was open today, thankfully, so, at the shop I greeted the Spanish mechanic, who asked how it was going and when he heard that there were problems with the Opel and the Land Rover, he was like “Oh boy” and called the English mechanic up to talk with me. I explained the problem, and since the Opel seemed to be most urgent, we agreed that they would fix that first (if they could) and that after that we would focus on the Land Rover.
I got their phone number (for some reason the one I had didn’t work) and address, and called Cousin Ed to give both to her for the tow truck. Turns out, when she gave it to the guy, he said, “Oh you mean them. They’re one of the best garages in town.” Awesome. I knew I wasn’t imagining that. Hah.

So, we went back home, where I greeted my dogs, took a dip in the pool and then headed down to the basin terrace to start writing. Had just started everything up when big brother called down that Tridatu was not well again, and that we might had to go out again. He could barely walk, and there appeared to be a big swelling just und his ribs on the left side.

Of course that was before four in the afternoon, meaning that it would be another hour before the hospital opened. We did consider going as an emergency, but after checking if he had a fever (he didn’t) we decided to wait. Regretfully this was also a work day for Sally on the day where there’s no bus, so there was some scrambling involved there, since we wanted him to get to the vet asap. I dropped Sally off at the village about half an hour earlier, then drove home to pick up big brother (had several grilled cheese and onion rolls to eat underway) and Tridatu and drove straight through to the vet, who was waiting for us…and then…nothing. He appeared in no worse condition than earlier that day when we picked him up. Not lump under his ribs and just his usual arthritis making his movements stiff. Aaaargh. A trip for nothing, darn it…happy of course that it didn’t seem to be any worse, than before, but still. I was already fearing that we’d have to put him down. He was moaning in pain, for crying out loud!

After another assurance from the vet we went back home, took the poor dog down to the basin terrace with us, and spent the next hour or two working on the computer. Only managed to write a page or two (my focus was shot) and then went into the yard for some watering and harvesting. Which, all in all, calmed me down a little.

By the time we went up for the day (and another dip) Tridatu was stiffly following us up and went down for the count. Even now he is still sleeping, poor old fellow.

Well, that’s it for me. I am going to see if maybe I can add another page to the book, but most likely I’ll go online a bit and see about doing some chats on the for a. *sigh* I’m ready to call it a day.

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