
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Something new

Song of the day: (this is a little embarrassing) “Twilight” by Cover Drive. I know, right? What am I, fifteen years old? *sigh* I don’t even like the song all that much, darn it, but there you have it.

Writing still…I know, very boring for you, my poor readers. Just me, standing at my computer, tapping away at the keys, adding pages, scenes (had a hot one today, hah) while music blasts in my ears, filling my head with all sorts of images that really get things working to my way of thinking. Luckily I didn’t get that voyeurism feeling today. That could be because the scene was mostly about kissing, and not…well, other stuff. Hah. Regardless, the story is developing nicely.

But enough about that, there was gardening. Watering the veggies, of course, yanking out weeds, and basically gathering veggies for the dog food. Meaning that there was dog food to hand out…and before I forgot, that friend with the store…we got a whole batch of one day too old meat, and old bread. The dogs loved it! Seriously, absolutely loved it. There was ham, sausages, bacon, and chicken fingers. You should have seen some of their faces, they were drenched in the stuff up to their eyeballs. Gada was literally grinning with a slab of ham hanging down her lips…before Sitabah ran off with it. Hah. Even Knight ate a quarter more of his food than usual, which is rare.

Did some cooking. Made pasta with fresh fried veggies on the side, topped by a satay sauce that made it all go down really well. The fact that I was incredibly hungry helped with making it vastly edible, of course. Hah.

Yesterday afternoon while I was writing, big brother had to head out with the car to jumpstart the Opel, which mom was using for the afternoon. We’ve been having some battery trouble, and they apparently got worse, because half an hour later mom phoned again to say that they were stuck for the second time. Big brother wasn’t even back yet, so I waited until he was back, jumped in the car and we drove back to town. Took no time at all to jumpstart the Opel again, and did some groceries and a new battery before we went home. Turns out we got the wrong battery, meaning we had to go out again today, hoping that like the rest of the stores at the big shopping center that shop would be open too. It wasn’t, so that means we have to go out again tomorrow, darn it.

Did speak with an American (he owned a golf course, apparently) who was comparing his own Land Rover to mine. His was a pickup, ya know, and, well, I do love those kind of chats, and he was a nice older fella, who for some unfathomable reason preferred to drive his Volvo, rather than his Land Rover (which he normally only used for work). I told him he was bonkers. The Land Rover is more than comfortable enough, hah.

What else, well, there was laundry, cleaning a little in my cabin. The bathroom was a friggin’ mess, so that really had to be done. Hah.

Yesterday was definitely a scorcher. The temps went up into 100, and seriously, while we were out and left town (where a fresh sea breeze cooled stuff down) the heat coming into the car was like a physical slap in the face. Luckily I didn’t mind at all. In fact, I kinda liked it. Hah. Today, on the other hand, it was downright nippy. I mean it, we were in the high eighties instead, which made the difference somewhat daunting, right? No matter. I enjoyed the low temps too. Hah.

Today, while we were out, we got hailed by a couple of dudes (they clearly had a beer or two too many) who seemed to like to chat with a bunch of stranger. One was a trucker, and boy did he like to talk, and the other lived in this RV (we got invited inside) and liked to talk even more. It was fun, the way they kept exchanging barbs, and yapping on, curious as heck because we often pass where the RV is parked. Decided against taking a beer, or coffee for that matter. We didn’t have all that much time to begin with, and it was fun to hear about their adventures. One had just recently been to Finland, where the weather was downright nippy, and his girlfriend invited him for a ride on a horse. He said, no way. Not unless you tie me to the horse, before he doubled over at his own joke. Seriously, the trucker insisted on shaking my hand at least five times (kept forgetting he’d already done that, I think) and then started telling all over how he had been to Finland recently and how he loved dogs (thumping his chest all the while). It was a fun chat…though I fear they now expect us to come visit more often. Hah. Crazy drunken lot…but friendly at least.

Well, that’s about it for me. I’ve a need to get horizontal fast, and the day is definitely at an end.

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