
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Voyourism? Gawd, I hope not

Song of the day: …I don’t know the title, or the singer even, I just know that it is friggin’ annoying and every time I hear it I want to throw an axe at the radio. I do know that the singer is whining about “give me a higher love” and seriously, I want to give it to him, badly, just so he’ll shut up. *sigh* Yes, I might be in a bit of a combatant mood today. Hah.

By the way. Did you notice my new pic on the right? Whatcha think? Doesn’t that look like a proper snapshot of a hobby farmer in Spain? Hah.

I blame part of that on the fact that last night, working late on the computer I wrote the first sex scene of the new book and though I know it’s good, and it will fit with the genre, I am not happy with it. I kinda liked writing the last one without such explicit detail, at the moment I almost feel as if I were some sort of voyeur of my characters doing something extremely private (or at least it should be), and it is not a pleasant feeling. I’m going to have to see what I’m going to do about that in the near future, seeing as I like the story so far too much to let this stop me.

I’m liking the characters a lot, which means that I need to show them some respect, while still laying out their lives and their troubles. Up ‘till now I have managed to get “the big problem” into the plot, “the want to, but can’t have it” torment, the fear of loss, the “enemy” the “friend” and the fatherly figure who wants to see the happily ever after. All in all, except for the individual details of the future scenes, the story is there, which is definitely the most important thing.

But enough writing stuff. I made good progress and the story is now up to 76 pages, well into the 25K words. Yay. Halfway point, here I come.

Right, let’s get to the normal stuff such as…well the boring stuff. Laundry dog feeding, dog food making and all that stuff. Seeing as I’m late again (I know, the story of my life, right?) I might as well skip those.

Yesterday was definitely a cooking day. Started out early by baking pancakes for breakfast (even tenant came down for that) and doing our Spanish while I was at it. Then, I made dough, because I wanted to make apple pie too, and while we finished up the Spanish reading, we peeled apples which tenant cut into small pieces.
While the pies baked I started writing, only stopping occasionally to chat with tenant, and then to help her by setting out the veggies she could cut for our supper. Luckily she likes being useful, otherwise I fear that that particular task would bore her out of her mind.
Only stopped writing when my battery ran out, and a small pause in-between somewhere, where I spent some time on the rowing machine. What with all the inactivity (physically) during the writing doing some rowing definitely helps.

Managed to also cut tenant’s hair in between, which was something she’d been asking me to do for more than a week now, so I really couldn’t postpone it any longer. Such a pity that she constantly wants her beautifully white hair cut off. I like it way better when she’s got some length in it, but she finds it bothersome and prefers it cut close to her head. *sigh*

Later, after doing the yard, harvested some veggies, and going up to cut a bunch of veggies for the dog food, I did some weight lifting, since that is what works best. Endurance with weights, it’s the best. We almost went for a jog as well, but the time simply wasn’t there. Besides, I had to finish writing the scene, so it was best that we didn’t go anyway.

The dreaded decision is drawing close again, by the way. Nata (Golden retriever) is walking badly now, barely managing to keep up, and devastated when we forget him, of have to leave him somewhere where he can’t get hurt, so, despite the fact that we’re now giving him pain killers against his painful arthritis, making stuff a little easier for him, we are now looking at the quality of his life on a day to day basis. I don’t think it will be much longer…*sigh*

A bit of good news. I heard from “my” soldier on the front, and he is incredibly busy, but well. A relief that, seeing as I hadn’t heard from him in a while and I was starting to get worried. So all’s well on that front. Yay.

As for today: there was more writing, of course, some gardening, cooking and then we had to rush on up to head on out with grandpa who had to pick up his improved teeth (or at least that’s what we’re hoping for) in town. Also went past that friend with the store again, and yes, we got another big load of bread for the doggies.

Which brings us to now, doesn’t it. It’s almost midnight, I will try to do some more writing, and then, finally, blissfully, I will seek up my bed and go horizontal for a few hours. Jeez, it’s been a long day. *sigh*

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