
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Song of the day: “Let the sunshine” by Labrinth. I only recently discovered this one, and downloaded it the other day. Now it’s been in my head most of the day. Hah. I like it, not so much the chorus, but the other pieces are beautifully done.

What do you think of the new Blog appearance? Nice and tight, right? I’m still not completely happy with it, but I’m going to see how I like it a little while from now. Heck, I just might decide to change it again sometime soon. Hah.

So yeah, not much to write about, seeing as I’m busy writing, duh. Well, yesterday was a crappy day, all things concerned. My focus was, like, all over the place, and that drove me absolutely bonkers, screwing up the writing even more. In the end I had to satisfy myself with no more than three pages to add to the total, while I spent some serious hours behind the computer, darn it. Don’t you just hate being stuck having to write an in-between scene? I hate it. I’ll have two scenes, one done, and the other just chomping at the bit to come out, but absolutely no idea how to get from one to the next, which means I have to wing it, and find a way to keep it remotely interesting. Of course the characters ended up arguing, which had me in a carpy mood most of the day, because I got stuck in that mood, and couldn’t find the time to start on the next scene.
Luckily, today it went much better. Had focus and did four pages with little trouble. It did help that I had managed to finish the in-between yesterday, because for that very reason I could write a rather splendid fight scene today. Hah. I won’t know if it is any good until edit time arrives, but I had fun with it at least, and that is massively importantly too.

But anyway, that was the good thing of the past couple of days. For the rest things were just as normal…or at least the way normal is at the moment, eh? I am still missing the projects of building and such but on the other hand, I was missing the writing too while I was doing the projects, so what the hey. It’s change, and change is always a good thing. If you don’t change, you get stagnant, and if you get stagnant, well…you’ll have to (be more rigorous) throw everything around for a bit to get out of it, I guess. Hah.

There is of course gardening most any day, meaning we watered, weeded and harvested…quite a bit in fact, seeing as there wasn’t a lot up in the storage for the dog food. So I yanked out some misbehaving Cauliflower plants, plucked Kale leaves, gathered a couple of handfuls of purslane (which is doing splendid this year, btw) and added a couple of overgrown zucchini. Which meant that I had more than enough for yesterday and today…not that we didn’t pluck zucchini today, but what the heck, you get my meaning, right?

What else? Well, there was this cool bar stool which we repaired and should bring up some money at next week’s market. It’s an incredibly cute piece of furniture, and now that it’s fixed I would almost keep it myself, if I had a spot to put it, that is. Stupid cabin is so full, I can barely turn around as it is.

Cooking. Well, there were two sessions, yesterday it involved reheating leftovers with freshly baked cauliflower added to the mix. I love cauliflower. Today’s foray in to cooking involved mushrooms, loads of mushrooms in a white sauce (with a bit of cheese) fresh herbs and onions, only to top of a light crust of pastry dough. Gawd, it was marvelous, and tenant really, really loved it.
Of course there were normal chores, the dogs stuff, including killing loads, and loads of ticks. I’m seriously pondering giving them all a chemical dip, but then I know that it only works for about a week and then they’re back with a vengeance. Also, a lot of our darlings are getting on in years, and that stuff is really, really bad for them. *sigh* It’s a pickle,

Exercise-wise jogging is the only thing I managed to fit in last night, along with some light weightlifting. I had planned to get my exercise today by chopping wood down by the bus, but with the first whack I wrecked the ax, wedging it about an inch into the wood, and cracking the full length handle. Either the sun wrecked the wooden handle, or I’m getting to be too strong…what with Spanish weather, I’m going to guess it’s the first thing. Hah.

Nata is still going. There seems to be a little bit of an improvement in his walking now that he’s getting his pill, but there are still times when I think it is just cruel to let him struggle on like this when it is so very clear that his body is at its end. So selfish of me to not want to go out and have it end, but he’s still eating, wants to be petted, wags his tail and tries his very best to follow where he can. We’ll just have to look at it from day to day and then see.

There was the dog feeding, the dog food preparing and, well, I think that covers everything a bit. It is now almost midnight and I’ve still got some messages to deal with and some chatting to do. I’m outta here.

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