
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Song of the day: “I got you babe” by UB40, actually, with Chrissie Hynde. It’s not that I prefer this one over Sonny and Cher, it is just that I know it better, I think.

Well, from your point of view my past couple of days were incredibly boring. Considering that the flu is still persisting the days have been very, very slow. Regretfully no naps for me, even though I tried. Guess I’m not sick enough for that. Drat! Naps are so nicely healing.

Considering grandpa is still pretty sick, and since big brother lapsed back into full-fledged sickness since yesterday, I’ve been unable to take the liberty to lapse some myself. Hah. The important stuff still needs to be done, come rain or shine. The dogs need their food, the feeding as much as the preparations. Since I don’t feel all that grand, I do get a bit short with the lovely four-legged mutts when they keep trying to steal more than their fair share while I’m preparing, but I have managed to keep myself from strangling one or two of them. Clue, for instance, and Fortuyn, Chamea, Lieve, Tadaika and…well, heck, most of them if you’re not careful. The little bastards are fast, I tell ya.
Dax, on the other hand, will just stand on the table, his eyes tight on the food, and sneaking a bite whenever I chase the others away. *sigh*

There was the massive load of laundry of course. What with the rain it hasn’t been drying, but this morning I could finally take off at least half, creating some space, at least.

But okay, yesterday’s weather was absolutely miserable, this morning, however, I woke to glorious sunshine and it was wonderful, despite that fact that we ran around with the dog blankets, hanging them all over the fences in hopes that we’d have enough time to dry them all. We did. Including my blanket, which Tadaika had an “accident” on the other day, meaning I had to wash the dratted thing again. *double sigh*

Cooking involved French fries, yesterday, because no one felt like cooking, and mac&cheese today, mixed with onions and peppers so we’d get some veggies in at least. Luckily I’ve been eating quite a few of oranges lately, because I’m low on veggies at the moment.

Went into the yard, which was highly necessary. Gathered at least four pounds, maybe five, of broccoli, and harvested a rather gorgeous head of iceberg lettuce. Am totally going to make a broccoli soup tomorrow.

Had to fix a water main today, despite the fact that we had planned to edit for a couple of hours instead, darn it. But the main house was without water, so there really wasn’t a choice but to deal with it right away. Luckily it wasn’t too difficult.

Okay, tenant. Today was Cousin Ed’s turn to go to hospital. Tenant was doing well. She was coherent, cheerful enough, and happy with the company. She’s still on the drip, but she’s eating at least, and the meds are still working, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed.

Sally is keeping her distance a little due to our illnesses. It won’t do having her get ill as well, so that is definitely a good thing. Luckily she had visitors to keep her busy the other day. A nice American couple she used to work for before she was diagnosed.

Did a wee bit of cleaning in the upper yard today. With everyone being ill, we have been slacking in cleaning up behind us, so there were messes lying about everywhere. Only cleared the main path, so far, but it’s something at least.

Sent out another manuscript today, so keep your fingers crossed. It’s a category romance and a new publisher, so we’ll see how that goes, right? Wish me luck.
Edits have been nothing if not minimal, again due to illness. Big brother could hardly keep his eyes open yesterday, let alone thing. Hah. Did manage to rewrite two pages for "Trust Me" Said the Spy, while I sat with tenant in the hospital for several hours.

Well, I can’t think of anything anymore, I’m bound to have forgotten an event or two from today or yesterday, but this will just have to do. Gotta go.

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