
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A bit of gardening.

Song of the day: “This side of paradise” by Bryan Adams. No surprise there; it’s one of my favorites, hah.

The day started relatively slow, what with me waking up at the usual time. There had been lots of dreams again, but since they felt like normal days, I’m not going to bother writing their up. I mean, seriously; why write about building a rock wall, or pouring in a concrete floor in a dream when the real thing is a daily occurrence, aaargh.

But anyway, Knight II is making a racket when the alarm goes off; so is Trin Trin, who’s literally bouncing again as I roll out of bed and hurry to the door before they start tearing at my bed sheets again, the stupid idiots. Once they’re outside, I stand in the doorway, blinking at the bright sunlight (still remarkably cool, by the way. The mercury only hit 30 today) and scratching my middle finger like mad. It is still swollen from yesterday’s wasp sting.

Once I’ve gone through the usual morning rituals, and arrive in the house with the dogs in tow, I quickly get down to the chores of the day. There’s a quick round on the net before we start proofreading on the manuscript. We only have a few hours, really since today’s planning involves going to the village to get some plants for the containers we built outside.

Done with the morning’s reading and consequent editing, we head out and realize that the car is acting strangely. Whenever I try to shift, the stick just won’t go into gear, like the clutch won’t go deep enough, so rather than head for the nursery we turn towards the garage. After about an hour or so, it turns out there’s something wrong with the cylinder of the clutch, some sort of hole in the tube, and the liquid leaked out. So they refilled it, and we need to come back tomorrow so two parts can be replaced.

Next, we head for the plant nursery. Lots of choices for very reasonable prices, as a matter of fact, and we move around the place until we’ve got a nice selection going. Some lavender, Dame la Noche (they’re good against mosquitoes) eucalyptus, and…well, let’s keep it to a lot, rather than writing them all down. The friggin’ car is filled with green and flowers, and head on back home so we can get started on putting them into the ground.

Changing into work clothes and sandals (got those for six bucks last week, hah) and got to work. In the remaining hours of the evening, all plants except four three get planted. Middle sister and I even manage to put in two Eucalypti in the rock ground on top of the middle garden, right by the time night falls. Not at all easy, to dig a hole in rock, but by some miracle it worked rather well. They’re looking good, I’ll admit, and so do the oleanders and bougainvillea and everything, which will make this particular part of the yard look gorgeous.

Afterwards, (since mom went with us to the nursery there’s no dinner of course) I spend about half an hour grilling French bread, red bell pepper strips, onions, zucchini and cheese, which I put on the bread with fresh tomatoes, iceberg slaw and a homemade yogurt sauce. Gawd, that was delicious after such a day. Hah.

That’s about all there is to today’s events. Not much, just a day. Oh well, can’t make it any more interesting than it is, really. Let’s just hope that I can still do an edit tonight, ‘cause all that digging and everything was kind of exhausting, but what the hey, we’ll see.

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Thanks again for your plug.
