
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Building a little more.

Song of the day: “Apple Jack” by Dolly Parton. I don’t know why, but for some reason I’ve got the little lady on my mind these days.

Okay, the day. So yeah, I would love to have a little rant about new writing styles that are popping up all over the place. It makes me want to scream because apparently “strong writing” amounts to short, to the point, sentences that, for as far as I can see, can be read by a ten year old.

I mean, I don’t have anything against being to the point (though, I do like to spin a sentence around, hah) but if you have to break apart beautiful descriptions, bring them down to a bare, rather bland minimum, for the sake of word count, I want to bare my teeth.
Let’s look at this in perspective, shall we? Here we have the civilized world where the majority goes to school, and some even college, and yet some are under the impression that standards need to be lowered for books to sell.

I don’t get it, I really don’t. For the past few years, since this has become sort of fashion trend, I’ve been enjoying books less and less. I didn’t understand why for the longest time, especially not when even my favorite authors started to go on that downhill slide. But there you have it; the simplicity trend, the less is more, and all that crap carries the blame. I’m sorry, but sometimes more is just more. Hah.

But enough of that, if I don’t keep a lid on this we’ll be here ‘till next week before I’m done with this particular issue. Ah well, I wanna watch the Fifth Element, so let’s quickly get down to the day.

There was the proofreading of course (thus explaining my aggravation) and a particularly frustrating exploration on the net, explaining some particulars of what publishers are looking for these days. Aaargh.
Okay, I’m trying not to think of it in favor of holding on to my cool. Hah. Let’s skip this particular part and move on to the rest of the day.

We’re running behind a bit when we finally get outside, and while big brother works on mom’s computer wire (it was broken, so the battery wouldn’t charge) the younger sibs and I start on the other projects of the day. Middle sister is making cement while little brother helps me throw the bundled reed canes on top of the carport roof, so the dogs won’t pee on them…yes that is something they like to do when they’re set on the floor.

Once the cement is made we start hauling rocks because the place where we removed the old fence yesterday needs a higher wall, or else the dogs will be able to get up on the roof. It goes rather well, seeing as we get it almost completely done in the hours that ensue.
When we finish, and the younger sibs have returned inside, I finish up the last bits and head down a ways to check out the step of the stairs big brother is making. Beautifully big, flat and made completely out of flat rocks…yep, we did find a few wonderful batches.

By the time we finish up covering the new step up with pieces of old fencing, it is getting dark, so we head inside for the dinner. It’s almost ridiculous to say this, especially in August, but by now the pool is already getting to cold for a late night dip, darn it. Instead, we just continue on our way into the house and put on the macaroni I boiled this morning. Mac and cheese, nothing goes down better after some hard work.

Oh yeah, we also put in some tomato seedlings in the ground today, what with the new plants still relatively small we figure we might as well use the ground for some veggies later on.

Well, that’s it for today; hopefully I can get some more work done on the edit, and of course finish watching the movie. Hah.

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