
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Painting and planting

Song of the day: “Torn” by Nathalie Imbruglia. It’s been a while when I last heard it, but then we had the radio on and there it was.

I’m going to have to do another short one because today got to be way too busy to have time left for actual Blogging.

The majority of the morning and noon were spent on the proofreading. Went rather well, if I do say so myself. I read through four chapters and think I found most of the remaining errors. Some punctuation got shuffled around, found one typo and I removed some excess words. All in all a good edit, since there were no major errors that I couldn’t get around.

In the afternoon (the weather is still remarkably cool, it almost feels as if we’re in autumn already) we gather up painting tools and three buckets of leftovers from the past few years, and head down to the guest cabin. While the sisters and I start scraping off the old paint, little brother mixes the other paint to a single light yellow that we slather on in the hours that follow.

It is a messy endeavor, to say the least, considering that the dogs are moving in and out of the room continuously and often end up lying up against the newly painted walls. Hah. Suffice it to say that we now have a pack dotted (and sometimes completely) yellow. Hah.

After the painting is done, another long while is spent cleaning the entire mess up, of course. Removing thick plaques of old paint, mopping up new ones, vacuuming the corners and then hurrying up the mountain so we can plant the majority of the plants we found yesterday before nightfall; that done, we head back down to finish up and put in the most of the furniture.

It looks rather good by the time we finish (around eleven PM) and head on up to the house for a much-deserved dinner, and that’s about all I’ve got to write about. I think. Or is there something else? The new plants look rather nice, so does the guest cabin and…well, that’s it. So boring, I know. Can’t help it. Hah.

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