
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Strange, frustrating stuff.

Song of the day: “9 to 5” by Dolly Parton. Hah. Perky song, but it came really out of the blue, and I really have no idea why this particular one came by; I don’t even have it on my Itunes, for crying out loud.

Nothing of great interest today either; no dreams…oh wait, I had one…but I can’t just write it down it was like seriously X-rated, so we’ll just skip that, shall we.

When I arrive at the house this morning, I falter a little when I pass the washing machine, which for some peculiar reason is standing on the ground rather than the perch I created for it just a couple of months ago. Considering I’m just barely awake, I shake my head and walk on, only distantly wondering what the hell happened before start with the morning chores.

As it turns out, last night while the machine was running with a blanket in it, something (I seriously have no idea what) made it topple over and drop face-first (if you can call it such) on the floor. It’s a miracle it was still running, but except for a broken tube and some loose hooks, it appears that big brother will be able to repair it…I hope.

Next, we read through our query letter. We’re going to have to start another round of sending out letters to publishers…I know, it’s a total bore, but what has to be done, has to be done. Darn.
This was then followed by an editing session, you know, putting the changes of the proofreading in. Kinda fun, ‘cause it appeared as if there were some major errors, which then could easily corrected by just shifting words around. Phew, such a relief.

Today’s outside work was basically the same as yesterday, small chores that are a tad boring, but need to be done. Big brother and grandpa work on the bungalow roof, and the younger sibs and I start putting in the sansevierias (remember, we found those really big plants at the landfill recently) also known as snake plants, on the hill over the old swimming pool.

Once we were done with that, we decided to start on taking away old fencing, which was a royal pain in the butt to do, cause there was like a mile of dirt, rocks and…stuff on it, so we end up cutting most of it off, rather than out.

So yeah, we haven’t got the car back, and according to the garage, which just fixed the problem of the clutch, we’re going to need a whole new clutch cylinder kind of thing. Yep, that’s gonna cost us another 600 bucks, darn it. It’s going to have to be ordered, installed, yadayadayada. Crap. I hate it when that happens. And yeah, what with the washing machine damaged (please don’t let it be broken) and now this…well, looks like we’re going to have to cut down even more on luxuries like food and stuff. Okay, not thinking about this, let’s go on with the day, shall we.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the removed fence.
The evening is still young, so since we’re on a roll anyway and managed to get the first one away, we figure we might as well continue with the piece of fencing that’s still standing up by my cabin. In the meantime, big brother is using the small jackhammer to prepare cutting out the rock where the stairs are going to be in the near future.

We really intended to do some more, but by then nightfall has arrived, and since we end up planning for the remaining projects, it is really too late to do anything else.
Dinner comes next, followed by the blog and then the day has blissfully come to an end.

Yep, another edit to go, and then I’m gonna pass out, I think.

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